Saturday, November 17, 2007

The more i wanna quit blogging, the more you guys keep pushing me ARRRGH!

Oh well, can't be helped then.

REJOYCE! The O-Lvs are OVER! yaaaaaay (since a while ago)
The papers were OK
chem and math1 was abit on the hard side though.

I went for grad night yesterday.
It was really short, but i like how everyone dressed up.
Guess what? One of the same boy bands performed for us,
and, IT WAS BAD (as expected)

Then one girl sang a solo,

I made lots of teachers sign on my uniform
hah, it's like scribbly and everything, the ladiez
Made it a point to write nice wonderful mssges, however,
MrTan Heng Kwee wrote:"YOU ARE SUCH A 'QUAKY' CADET!"
with his bad hand writting, lol.

After that i went to JP wif ram and ger to eat some expensive
western food.

And guess what? today i just started my first Manga Drawing lesson.
The teacher was from japan and her behaviour was really like what you
watch in animes, haha.

Anyway, those who turned up were given the cd for their class video,
i was very happy that naz made it this time, i mean i just had no time.
So, here it is, Thanks Naz!

- the shadow .
1:56 AM

Friday, August 31, 2007

Back home and i'm pretty much drained. This year's teacher's day performance is probably the most akward of all. School started as usual with flag raising and-yader-yader~ The scedue was lessons before recess and the event after it, but the lesson were pretty much nothingless. MrsGrewal's one was intresting, we had to do some lame crapo nusery ryme and get chocolates. After recess, we proceeded to the hall for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong performance. 1100-1230. First up was a boring video on health(screw the veggies) next was my video(thank you thank you, i'l sign autographs later =D) There were 3 dance groups and 3 band groups. The idian dance was HOOOOOT seriously fabulous! The malay dance was normal(good). And the chinese dance as usual had nothing to do with chinese, they only wanted to look good, which i personaly feel was crap, there was o climax whatsoever, Andy even said it was a "Filler Eppisode" I can't stop laughing when i heard that. All the bands seems kind of wrong.........It's either the playing was good and the singing was bad, or the singing was good and the playing was bad, or both were bad. If they were to pick the good singers from one group and the good players from the other, it would have been a great show, but no, honestly, it was not, no hard feelings, welcome to the world of criticising judges. The Emcees were truly amerturish, selection could have been alot better, but well, only popular dudes were pick as usual. And Eugene, I truely enjoyed your teacher's day speech. It was the one most powerful thing of the whole event. Even i as a student felt the impact, i would've have been soo proud i would jump off the building if i were a teacher. The "Stomp" team is perfect as usual, i can never ever in my 17 years of living get bored of that percusion wonderous group, and the principal was once again bias, only praising the prefects over and over again. Nick, thanks alot for organising the show, you did great.

After the show, i went looking for old duudiezz to chat wif, good thing i found "ZOO", "Peanut" and the "Yahoo Gang" We hanged out at the Libarary. It was kinda sad, farewell party for MrsRatinum(spelling) Her speech was really motivating for all of us to try a change in our lives.

Anyway, Here's the teacher's day video, it's a different version(the first one) Coz the one you saw at the hall had some technical probs, if you realised, this one has a more serious start and is more "Movie style"

Online Videos by
loading may be abit slow.

Untill next time,

- the shadow .
2:26 AM

Monday, August 27, 2007

The prelims starts on wednesday.
Should I be studying? -Yes
Am I? -NO
Why? -Lets just say there are way too many people asking me to do way to many things, and all over them have their own urgency.

Today, i popped by the foyer for a chat with roger, it seems like he brought all the prizes(certs,trophys,t-shirt) that we've won for the uniquely s'pore compitetion. It's really cool to see my name(YEAH BABY!) printed on both the cert and the trophy. MrsPutra Eddie said she had to ask them print a new copy for roger n ram, but well.......if i can keep the current one, one happy enough XD. I checked out the Shirt that we won, It's a Polo-Jersy. Very weird indeed, but cool design, it had "Adobe" written in the front with "Acrobat" printed behind like it was someone's name and the number "8" Originaly it was a joke for the latest acrobat version, Acrobat 8, but boy does it look weird on a jersy. The shirt was really cool, areodaynamic lines and stuff, roger wanted it. The funny thing was, it was size "M" (my size) ok fine Param could also use it, but certainly NOT roger, he was waaaay too oversized for that. But since it's cool, he said he will still wear it.
(Imagine how he would look like with a tight jersy like that XD)

Anyway nick, i have to say your low effenciancy of getting photos is resulting alot in my downfall. I mean like ARGH! I have to get the video all done up by wednesday and you have not even gave me the photos i need??? Not to mention only giving me 1 day to do it as soon as i get them, hey thats abit unfair to me right? I'm pretty sure the other peeps involved in T-day is also as put-off as i am, you better think of some smart ass way to make it up to us.(Food will be good =D)

There was a social studies test today and's another wordy one.zzz Originaly i wanted to skip it, only 5 including me turned up for it. Everyone ealse ran off. I almost managed too, but naz saw me and well, i could'nt run XD. All coz of you nick, zzz must go staff room look for MrSu, din even know naz was there -_-" Somemore wanna make fun of your STAFF SERGEANT SENIOR-SENIOR-NCO HERE(aka nco mentor) I could really screw your brains out of your tiny ears you twint. A mere copral is nth to me rawr!! Better count your blessings i've been sooooooooo nice to you guys. Now even wanna climb over my head. -_-.

As soon as the video is done, i will have to slog full time on my other subs. English is first in the row this wed, and thurs is MT, meaning no school for me that day =D haha.

Oh btw, if your reading this Leynn(which i doubt you are) Happy 16th birthday. I've made an official present for you, the cookies are just complimentry, look forward to it this sat. =D

Till next time,

- the shadow .
5:11 AM

Friday, August 24, 2007


Anyway, i apologise to my readers (yes lyenn you also, dun say no fair or w/e) But lately my schedule is totally filled up. Loads of tests and stuff, dun worry i'm not gonna elaborate word by word and discribe my tests, i'm no cutiesy wiltsy emo girly writer then moan and groan over their tests.

Anyway, I managed to finish the teacher's day video on wed. The next day, i had a small meeting wif Nick, Klint, Davina and MS LEE. Ok ok dun panic and run all over when hearing that name, she's a really nice person, even joked around. Seems to me like alot of planning is needed for the event and THAT NICK!! YOU AR!! KEEP PUSHING THE WORK TO PEOPLE!!! MsLee was like "the video has to be lenghten by 1.5mins", and nick was like," ok Brian?? you hear that Brian??" OI!! IS THIS THE WAY YOU TALK TO YOUR SENIOR YOU LITTLE SEC2 MIDGET!? tsk nowadays, even pushing stuff to klint and some guy to bake 2 Ginourmous cakes.

Anyway, something silly happened during yesterday's recess. See i was walking around with roger when he needed to go to the office to look for MrsKoh. MsLee happened to be in there, and the very moment he saw her, he went SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! MsLee was stoned.....she even asked why on earth did roger yelled sorry when he just saw her.
Then roger with his big mouth had to say "When i look at you, it reminds me of my shirt" JAPODISE YOUR OWN SELF DUDE!! (MsLee has this thing about students tuckingout) So she made him run down to the store and get some safety pins, i had to help him pin his shirt shut to his pants, i was reeeally funny, he looked like a zombie somewhat. The funniest thing was.....MSLEE WAS RECORDING THE WHOLE THING ON HER PHONE!! WAHAHAHA CHER YOU GODDA SEND ME THAT VIDEO!! XD Poor roger, sooo screwed.

Anyway, some teenagers tried to sneak into our skool from the side fences. We were having social studies when it happened, there was no teacher in class so i was chatting wif Andy and co as usual untill he spotted something strange outside. About 3 to 4 guys were trying to climb over the fence into the school, one of them even had a plyer with them...sheeeeesh! creepy. We dashed out of the class room and peep over the balcony to see who they were(they were trying to hide under some bush) Then Chee Hiong (aka creditcard scanner(coz of his suuuper center parting hairdo)) acted like some macho moron and yelled hoi hoi hoi! At those guys. Goerge wanted to record the whole thing on his handphone but the stupid idiot chee-h scared them all away. Goerge later phoned up the office bout the situation. Lolz

Finaly, the news i've been waiting for is finaly out. Remember not too long ago i had to leave class early for the national e-card thingie? The prize presentation was today, but sadly i can't go coz they only had limited seats. Anyway, the news of us (Param, Roger, Cheryl n Me) aka. PMD(Portable Mobile Disasters) getting consolation prize was all a fake. Yes, thats right, we DID NOT WIN THE CONSOLATION sad... NOT! The results were better then we expected, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better, i'm talking about national competition waaaaaaaaaay better here dudes.

WE ARE FIRST!!!!! Thats right, number oooooooooone!!!!!!! PMD FROM YUHUA SEC IS NUMBER 1!! And guess who was number 2?? None other then the hot shots their selfs Raffles Institution. HAHA WE TOTALLY TRASHED RI THIS TIME!! I went totally hysterical when i heard the news. Roger's piece was the winning one, GRATZ DUDE!! Come monday we'r gonna be heros hahaha. And guess what happened? The names in the cert was printed wrongly, it was my name and cheryl's name! XD Nvm I'l take it hehe i guess we all deserve to win coz we went on the trip together and eddited our work together, it was info-sharing. And the best part is.........WE WON A ADOBE CS3 MASTERS EDITION!! That is the SWEEETEST, GODLIEST, MOST EXPENSIVE adode set money can buy. XD It's worth $4000. i feel like a million bucks now. The set consists of EVERY adobe cs3 softwares. Photoshop, illustrator, premier pro, flash, dreamweaver, and many many many other programs, you name it, it's ALL there. The set is arriving on 30th sep, BOY I CAN'T WAIT.

Till Next time,

- the shadow .
5:40 AM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's the NDP celebrations again! And NPCC is leading the parade this year! GOO LADS, U ROCK. XD There was some rather OBVIOUS screw ups, like....sayy...Eshly? "BA#%$#!!.....BLEEAA!!^%$!....cough cough cough!~ BARIS!!!" Lolz, super obvious, he sorta lost his voice at a crucial moment T_T. Another very obvious screw up by Aini..."WE THE NATIO...CITI..!^#!#$! OF SINGAPORE!...." Lol 15 years in singapore, 3 years in NP can forget national pledge XD. Anyway, i'm the camera man again this time and i took some good shots, uploading it ALL here will be a serious PAIN, so i'm just showing you guys some good ones. (Most of them are still in the photo editting process)

Jon, yr the man!! Show us what you got! =D

Np Squad, nice and straight.

What more can i say?

NCC sizing up.

Zameer's big face, thats what you get for watching too much Spongebob.


Someone's really strong.

90 DEGREES!! THIS IS THE STANDARD!! I <3 My Kawaii sec 2s! You guys make me proud! Sniff sniff~

Trrrrat tat tat~ Goes Ramdan the drummer boy.

Anyway, Most of my Pictures are in the process of "photo-shopping" So it'l take me some time to edit my works, btw, this is my favourite shot of the day.
(It's been photoshopped, but i'l re-do it coz it's kinda shavy)

I hope you like them, anyway, i changed the music again.

Till Next Time,

- the shadow .
9:43 PM

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Choc alot of things happened yesterday, i came back way too tired to blog to well here it is today.

Big day for me, i brought the brownie a made the day before for judging by the pros in school XD. Thank goodness they loved it, but i will have to say it's Idiot proof, all pre mixed from the box, so it's sorta considered cheating.
Anyway, theres really some sort of problem with my class, i'm not sure to take it as positive of negative but well, theres an issue alright, it seems like 5n2 simply love cheering for well.....just bout any possibly reason. When someone gets caught by MrsGrewal for sleeping.....WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! CLAP CLAP CLAP!!! Ok thats only one of the things, We cheered and cheered at every sentance MrsGrewal said, it was hilarious! Good thing she's also known as "The godess of happiness" Or we could be seriously screwed. Well, so it seems like our cheer factor is contagious, moments later the sec 1 class next to us went hoo haa as well. Geez, soo much for originality, too bad for them, it's rather soft compaired to the gurus. =P
Anyway, the cheer mania lasted for the rest of the remaining periods, MsPavati was the next victim with social studies, and guess what was the last period? PHYSICS BY MROOI, this is gonna be a real challenge. All of us seated in the lab, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Agent001. The moment he entered, Ramdam started the frenzy and yelled "OK CLASS..." before we could cheer or what, MrOOI entered the next room where they keep all the chemicals....HAH PAI SE!! The whole class rooted with laughter at Ramdan, poor guy, can't imagine how it would be like in his place XD. Anyway a minor set back like this did not stop us just there and that. We continued to wait for MrOOI, till he finaly entered the lab, we rose from our seats and gave him a ROYAL STANDING OVATION!! The hooray ended abruptly when Mrooi said "I hope it's the extra time i'm extending for the lesson that you guys a cheering about." .....after that line, there was an awkward silence flowing throughout the class. I can imagine an owl hooting sound effect would be a fantastic add if this was a movie.

Anyway, the day resumed, and i had to help out patching up the National Day T-Shirt Design. It was really fun, we had our hands painted up and smacked onto the shirt, heres a picture of our hands.

Yellow - Mas
Green - Zameer
Blue - Sarimi
Purple - Me
For some reason my fingers look reeeeally crocked in the picture, FREAKY thats soo yikes >_<. Doing the shirt was ok, not that hard, and yeah Arnanti came in to chit chat also. All the weird talk about this and that, Ramdan singing as usual, and some talk about me being a "homely guy" and how lucky my future wife would be just because i knew how to sew...wait a sec...WHY AM I A HOMELY GUY!? Anyway, once we'r done with the shirt, we took it down and left it on Naz's table.
The rest left, but i can't help going to check out on the NP dudes. I was really excited when they were going to start floor ball. Nostlagic man, soo many memories waay back from sec 1. GAME START!! I was the Goal keeper, eversince sec1, there have been no difference. Once a keeper, always a keeper =D. But sadly, just 2 mins into the game, Eshley trampled the ball by accident and flattened it. The game was cancled and we had to stop playing when the NCOs in the np room concluded the ball was "unsave-able"......Or is it? I barged into the NP room and demanded the ball, LET THE PRO SHOW YOU HOW IT'S REALLY DONE. Using some very simple tools, i popped the ball back to it's original shape, all i did was fitting a twine through the holes near the flattened portions(floor ball's ball has many holes) i used a satay stick to drive the twine through, and just with a little help from Eshley, it's ready for the final step. I pulled the twine the opposite direction and forced the ball to pop back to shape, yay! can play agian! Too bad the atmosphere outside got rather serious when i came out of the NP room.
Anyway, Nice hat Ching Long, next time go OBS remember to get me 1 too XD.

Well, not muched happened today, i baked chocolate chip cookies in the morning, no cheating this time, no pre-mixed packs. Everythings done the way it should be. Anyway, it din turn out exacly the way i wanted it to, but oh well the taste is pretty much ok. I mean it's weird, really weird. The cookies expanded too much in the oven that they pressed against each other forming....SQUARE COOKIES. Strange man...anyway heres the picture(alot already have been eaten when i took this photo)

6/10 was the score given by mom, really sad. It was soft inside, kinda like brownies. The recipe is also kinda off. Whats written was 9-12 mins but the cookies ended up taking double time.

Anyway, i headed to BC and to my surprise i was not the first one being called =D thats a first. However i was second in line this time -_-" I wonder if it's possible to not get called for an entire day. Oh btw Leynn's late again. No cheating this time, it's all fair, infact, i took my time and strolled from the MRT station to BC. =D. She tried a cookie and well, to my surprise it did not break. I mean izzen it like really soft inside?? Aiyo Leynn, you soo greedy! =( still want more for your birthday -_-" nvm, You like Japanese food? I add some Wasabe inside your birthday cookies ok? =D Don't forget, i hate people spitting out what i cook, so be sure to get ready lots of water or i will shove it down with a plunger XD.

Anyway i headed to IMM and bought one of the new NDP T-shirts. There was many designs, many many many, like over 10. Some of them were really cool, but sadly, those i really wanted only had XXL, which is way above my size. Lucky for me, the sales man picked out an intresting design that has a side print. I Payed 10 bucks for that. After lunch at Mos-buger, i headed home. Too my surprise i bumed into Eshley, Pei Ling and Yu Ting on the way out of the MRT station, looks like they wanna go jalan jalan. Own Time Own Target La~ (thats a NPCC lingo for "take your time")

When i reached home, mom gave me new ratings for the cookies, it has risen to 7/10. YEAH! But why? Well it's coz it's hard and crunchy now. It seems like it sorta hardened when it cooled down. That explains why it din break when Leynn held the very tip of it. Phew LUCKY!

Anyway, few Modifications to the blog.
1.Music Changed agian
2.Links finaly added after over 2 years of blogging, LOLZ
No la, I just got lazy to re-link when the system crashed last year.

Till Next time

- the shadow .
6:38 AM

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Today starts off like any other, lazy'ol me extending the alarm clock to ring 30 mins later in the middle of the night. Lazy'ol me taking looong enjoyable hot showers in the morning, and Lazy'ol me dragging myself out of the house late at 7:15. For some reason i seem to be lacking the morning energy i use to get back in sec 1-3.

Few things happened lately, one of which was the price for mineral water increased by 10cents, this really put me off when the drink uncle's reasoning was because of the 2%GST increase. Ello aunker 2 persen onli 1.2sen more la, not 10sen ok? -_-"

Anyway, coz of MrOOI's demoralisation yesterday, all of us seriously ran down for physics today. In my years of education, i have honestly NEVER seen a class that is soo despo to be on time. MrOOI really means business man. That left him clueless of who he could pick on to answer questions, so he popped us a little surprise. We had to move to the next lab 2 rooms away. Apon hearing that news, the whole class stempided across the corridor, haha i know some kapo teachers were watching XD. After we all settled down, already panting for breath and stuff, we found out that MrOOI tricked us by telling us the wrong location. WE HAD TO STEMPIDE ALL THE WAY BACK!! Class finaly started, but everyone was already half dead.

Anyway, i was really looking forward to the double practical that was gonna be during ss, physics prac followed by chem. But sad to say sevear gastric kicked in and i had to head home. At first i tot that it was a wrong move skipping ss just like that but i then realise that it could've been way worst if i had'nt. My tummy bloated soo much i think i could float on the water without swimming if you threw me into the sea. I felt really terrible. After 4 charcoal tablets, gruesome ginger tea and hours of rest, i finaly managed to get my tummy under control.

So, now that my tummy is better what would i do? BAKE BROWNIE FOR SUPPER DUH!! Yeah i'm not resting at all, the very moment it's better, i'm backing to stuffing myself wif goodiez XD. See, mom bought this "Idiot proof" pre-mixed brownie pack, and well, i kinda helped myself to it. I stole some of mom's walnuts and threw them in the mixture, it's reeeeeeally yummy, i got really tempted to open the lid of the oven and try poking my fingure in, but NAAAAAAAH in my experience of cooking, hygiene is always number 1. The brownie is thick and fudgy, really sweet too. I had a feeling there was too much chocolate syrup in the mixture, but it's still really good XD.
Here's a picture of it fresh out of the oven.

Yeah i know it's cracked up and stuff, but it still taste great, next on my list will be chocolate chip cookies, but i won't be baking them soon, my mom wants to use the chips and flour too for some muffins.

Till next time,

- the shadow .
6:10 AM