Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm too sexy for this blog, too sexy for this blog, Come'on everyone let's Rog!~! (rock)
Yeah Guys i feel GREAT!!!! today is a SUPER day WAHAHHAA, as some of you have known i have been working like a zombie the last few days on a "mission" WELL, IT's COMPLETED!! BTW, it's a video my class put together for all the teachers teaching my class!! rox eh! We have, MrsPutraEddie, MsLin, MrsLui, MdmChan, MrTan H K, MrNazri!! Who every NOT FROM 4N4 that wants their vids come ask me, their all funny!!

Lets move on to how it started, well it started last week, when MrsGrewal was telling us about her great teacher's day gifts, and we decided to make a super one for all the chers!! And a Video was the perfect idea, great timing, since i can put my new program the Adobe premier Pro to the test!!

Heh, and i have been working like some zombie throughout the weekend, 9 hours on sat, 6 hours on sun, 4 hours yesterday, and a few more hours on fri n thurs excluding the filming time!! Anyway, everything paid off, when i premiered my first major show today!! Teachers Laughed, Students Laughed, I LAUGHED!! WE ROX !!! And great food and drinks too, this is by far one of the greatest teacher's day partys ever!! AND TEACHERS, YOU KNOW WAT??!! YOU WILL ONLY GET SUCH GREAT PERKS ONLY IF U TEACH 4N4 2006!!!! WAHAHAHAHHA!!! Anyway guys, i'm sorry i can't upload it on youtube coz of personal purposes, so if u want them, u will have to get them from me(those not in 4n4) For you lads in 4n4, get them from Yatiez, Niwayz, Hope you guys like the clip, and i will continue to bring you more productions, And teachers, GO SHOW THE WORLD WAT I HAVE DONE!! WAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Thanks Guys And See You Next Time!!

- the shadow .
5:16 AM

Monday, August 21, 2006

Yep, no time to blog these few days, so now have i just chat about the highlight of the weekend, and wat is it? FOOD yeah! on sat me n fam went to suntec there eat Indian food , we go to a restaruant called "Muthu's Curry" .......... Lol? Does that sounds Horrifi-ingly familiar? remeber a chinese phase on the show True Files with a guy yelling " Xar Ren Zhu Culi!!" traslated to KILL PEOPLE COOK CURRY!! ya that scary case, and this was the place i went to eat, Aiya! who cares about a stupid rumour, the restarant is HIGH CLASS MAN!! all workers in there are males and use PDA to take orders, i was like....nice~ And there was something ease i noticed there, everycustomer was not indian, all chinese!! so i was like....hmm maybe that true indians can cook better..... oh well anyway to the menu!! Yeah they had some pretty interesting stuff, like Tandoori mushrrom and brocoli, i was like...Ok~ u throw these things in the Thandor??? We had the shrooms and a bunch of usual stuff like butter chicken, fish cutlet, nan, brani. IT WAS GREAT! SUPER NICE TO EAT, the only prob was dada always had this bad habit of ordering too much -.-" .................

Anyway, the next day, which was yesterday, we ate at a new indonasian outlet just beside the superbowl at taman J , MAN THAT PLACE WAS SHEEK! SUUPER CLEAN PLACE!! not a PEC of rice, dirt, watsoever on every table, like the cleanest eating place u can find on the globe, and of coz we had some exotic meals like Ayam Bali( some chicken), Ikan Otah(some fish), and of coz for fussy eaters for me there is always Taohu Terlo(some egg tofu), the interesting thing is the way they present the rice, it was rapped up like chinese rice dumplings! BUT!!! quanterty very extream little, eat 2 dervigs of rice still not full, and the water has a weird lime taste, very indo style, unique and of coz DELICIOUS!! ....... Anyway, looks like tmr my class n I will have to slam full time on the skit thingy, wednesday have to act out during lower sec assembly O_O i hope that means..............EXTRA RECESS!!!

Untill Next Time!

- the shadow .
7:51 AM

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Alright, i really wanted to blog yesterday, but sry no time....why? coz something happened during the first 2 periods, well yesterday, during SS, we were told to do a presentation thingie on a giant sheet of paper, and that MrNazri will choose the person presenting it, as expected, he targated the soft spoken ones, probably coz he wants them to learn to speak up. BUUUT just during the second presentation, some guys at the back of the class complained that they can't hear and wanted to change the speaker....a depate started shortly after that between MrNaz and the guys, and before we knew it, BOOM! he blasted (rare) and it was like......whao~ the atmostphere of he class became speechless. He then slammed the screen down of his laptop and told us it was free period, i was like......GOSH that com!! school's com!! maybe the screen already shattered! O_O. Not too long later the bell rag and he gave us a note.... Geog Test is cancled, then marched out of the classroom. Yeah some of us are not too happy bout that, after all, we studied for it, and there was qarrels and yellings going on in our class, THEN THE KAPO GUY COMES IN! MrTan HK Haiyoooo! that guy hor, soooo bad iming, go n say.. EHE EH EH!! U ALL BETTER STUDY FOR TEST.....bla bla, so i just told him, it was a bad time and peacefully leave the room, ok then he did so...(I ROX) lol XD. Man then today no Naz periods, i wonder how will his reaction be during the next period O_O!

Untill next time,

- the shadow .
5:36 AM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Yo! sry fr not blogging for a while, but ALOT have happened yesterday and today!!! ok lets start from yesterday. Well as you all know, it was out NDP celebration, and we were allowed to wear red shirts to skool, an of coz yea i wanted to be part of the fun, so i openned my wardrop and guess wat happened to my red shirt?? IT SHRUNK!!!! ALOOOOOT!!! aiya too bad wear PE shirt lah. then go skool borrowed a cam from roger, be cam man, escape from mascot crap for the whole day!! I ran like everywhere taking photos, yea, one of my favs was "THE KING" from 4t1, first cam man to spot that one, and whoa did it attracted lots of teachers, another nice ones was Jonatan's pure white face (Like Ju-On horror movie) then later gave him 2 kawaii red cheecks LOL!, niwayz skool was fun, and i went HIIIIGH!! Yep, at the singing part, wwah we climb on banch and kick here kick there, sing here sing there, hold each others shoulder and run in a line like kindergarde kids, we super high!! Well after the fun, me and the piggy family...eccept middle pig, BlackPig(me) BigPig(Andy) SmallPig(Yuting) DeadFatPig(Peiling) go bowling!!! lol i treat all of them 1 game, and i mean 4 people 1 game, + myself 4 games = $20 in tota T_T but nvm, it was great, i scored around 70-80+ in the first 3 games, then the forth game, ApplePie and Joyce arrived..........MY JINXES!!! coz my score for the last game was halfed my normal ones 40+ only T_T BLEAH~ aiya, but it was fun lah, YuTing intro me a great new drink (also the one she used to put my b-day stars) Vitamilk!! VERY TASTY!! Thanks dude for the intro!! So wada ya think of my yesterday?? great eh? WELL WAIT TILL YOU HEAR WAT HAPPENED TODAY!! EVEN BETTER!! I was juz hanging around looking at the acer com panflet, coz my dad is getting me one so i can do my Photoshop and Vid edditing work on, and i did not expect this but the time came aloooooot sonner then i thought!! I AM USING THE NEW COM RITE NOW!!! HAPPPY. We went down to simlim and as usual we ate the greeeeeat indian food there, best man!! after that we go up and get my com, and maaaan was i happy!! Still in the happy mood, my dad bought a mouse for the com, i mean like if u wanna use Photoshop, must have good mouse rite?? And afte that, another surprise awaited me, HE WAS ALSO GONNA GET ME PREMIER PRO TODAY!!! i was like OMG U ARE GETTING ME THE GOD PROGRAM OF VIDEO EDDITING.......BREAK FREE!!! FROM WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER!!! DUN WORRY PAPA!! I WILL MAKE GREAT VIDS FOR FAMILY!!! And that also means better AMVs i can make and upload on this blog, bhahahahaa!!

Untill next time, Bz-OUT!

- the shadow .
5:46 AM

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Beeeeeeah~ Currently half dead, but here to bring you the reason why so~ Starting from friday. Yep, as many of you heard about, theres gonna be a POP camp on friday, and there is! So that means...well i packed everything i needed for friday and sat, including books and stuff, yeah that made me look like a yuryle when i carry my bags. Anyway, nothing big really happened, or rather i'm too tired to remember the school hours, so i will skip all the way till it is 12:30pm. The fiiiiirst thing i did was ru around looking for MrTan, after all, the day earlier he said he was gonna lend me a laptop the next day directly after skool to do the editting on. Oh btw it is a video for POP. So it took me a very long time just to find him. Finally i got my hands on the computer "Now i can work" or...so i thought the problem was.... I DUNNO THE PASSWORD!! so i wasted more time running everywhere to find the IT technition that...went to the mousqe. in the end who did i get the password from?? PARAM!! Yeah i can always count on him if i needed IT help. So after all those nonsensical stuff, i can finally start my work (wasted 2 hours). Turns out that the com was ALOT slower then yesterday.. MAN IS THIS BAAAD LUCK, even hang 4 times, untill i discoverd the trick... I SHOULD HAVE ATTACHED THE POWER INPUT!! yep, after that everything went smoooothly. i continues to do that video, even dumping some funny stuff in there. I do n do n do untill a new problem arise... and wat is that?? NOT ENOUGH PHOTOS!!! so i grab my cam and ran everywhere taking more, luckily, the rest where having Np at that time, so i had a good chance! And after working like half a day on it, it was finally over. ^^

Next i jumped into my Full-U (probably for the last time) and joinned in the POP parade thingy, LUCKY they haven start yet!! so wat did the NCOs do?? We sit in chair infront of canteen watch parade.. WAH!! VIP SIA!!! Soo happy, then the passing over of post finaly came T_T My post is now in the hands of the new NCOs Fizul And Kamaraj!! HEY YOU GUYS, BETTER TAKE GOOOD CARE OF MY KAWAII SEC 1s EH!! I PUT IN ALOOOT OF WORK FOR THEM, U MUST DO SO TOO!! ....................haha then the more dramatic parts, the handing over of drill canes... BooHooHoo!! Andy was first, then Atiquah and Joshua!! Noooo more drill canes for you guys haha!! Nvm Lads, DUN CRY!! Later i treat you all SUGAR CANE!!!....haha jkjk....niwayz after the passing over, we, now the senior ncos GET OUR CERTS AND THAT MEDAL THINGY!!! NICE!! i was soooo happy, but hen realise a miiinor problem.... MY NAME ON THE MEDAL SPELL WRONGLY!!

Correct = Brian LOW

Wrong = Brian LOH

OI! I NOT MR LOH AI OK!!! bleah~ Ok after the fuss, we got changed, most of them into their Pt-Kit, but i changed into my home wear ^^ And we ate dinner. The food was... -.-" not bad (but not good either) Shortly aster dinner i caught sight of Kenneth trying to play SUMO wif Hisham....Oi Ken, it does not matter how much older you are, Hisham is big, and you are still short. ^^

Then later, BOWLING!! yeah, very fun, make noise, take many photos, Kena bashed up by Pie -.-" a horrid girl and of cuz, WE PLAY!! yep we only play 2 rounds. First round i kept using size 10. zzz in the end my score was only 48, and that is SUUPER LOW!! I contiued using size 10 untill around the half way mark of game 2, when i ran out of size 10 balls, so i switched to size 9, hmm lighter and easier to control. Then the unbelievable happened... i got a STRIKE"X" OMG 1 SIZE MADE THAT MUCH DIFFERENT!! So wat happend next? I JAM LOR!! OH YEAH!! My score kept shooting up, and beat everyone on my team, even Ching yang and Andy. I was partly awe striken. My score slightly more then double my first game!! I had 98 for 2nd game! Imagine if i used Size 9 from the beginning.... ^^

Anyway, we went back to skool. And the sec 1s and 2s started practicing for their perfomance. The S.NCOs did the same too, they wanna give a surprise, they wanna fake scold them. lol niwayz i ran down to the AVA room and tried my best to set up the thing, but very hard!!. In the end i had to go back up and see the performance, i even had to be a camaraman. BUT TO BE FRANK, I DID NOOOT ENJOYED THE DANCE AND PERFOMANCE, very sry lah, but i mean like you guys stand sooooooooooo far apart when you act, you never talk propaly into the mic, i cannot hear wat u say, and worst of all, there are many times you just stand ther say nothing, must wait 2 mins the u remember yr speech. zzzzzzz. BUT since you did put in effort, i still clap for you all lah~ Then while the SNCOs do their fake scolding and stuff, i ran down to the AVA agian do continued wif the set up. Finally when it was all done, all of Npcc was summoned into the room. AND THIS TIME, IT IS MY TURN TO PERFORM, or rather to show them the video clip i worked hours to do. Yay soo happy, they laughed, they cried, and i did not expect this but they all started clapping alot when the message i written to everyone appered on the screen, i am very touched by yr reactions T_T. Then the SNCOs lined up in a row and started shaking hands wif everyone in Np, alot of them were crying alot...gosh did i overdo to video O_O?? But i control myself not to cry, i mean like, I'm no more a NCO, not a SNCO, so must show them a smiling face to brighten up their mood. But deep down inside i also feel very sad. My last time in np. T_T. Even Shahid and Andy performed their solos for us, soo sad. K LA K LA DUN SAD NIMORE LAH, NIGHT TIME GO SLEEP LAH!!! Yep, the cadets washed up and go sleep. BUT shortly after the girls all came down. Why? THEY SCRAED OF GHOST! L-A-M-E.

Meanwhile, we sncos sit together talk about eacher other. BUT there was a treat. SUM 1 not from np was in the skool, also very gangsta like. so SirDin shoo him out, but things take a turn for the scariest. HE CALL HIS GANG!! All walking and waiting outside the skool yelling IO DIN!!...DIN DIN DIN.... wah scary, we even think they might climb over, so the sec 3s had their most exciting night patrol ever!! They Hung aroung till bout 3 then left. HEEENG AR!! we sooo scared. Niwayz none of us slept, we run everywhere play ^^. Then Me, Andy, YuTing, PeiLing went to the BBall cout play abit. 3VS1!! Me and the girls VS Andy! we he soo pro, movement soo complex, i cannot block anithing. Then later he went of. Then me, YuTing and Pling play ABC. Wah i missed aloooooooot untill Pling went off to some where, then i Score 3 Silents in a row... i was like Ok does pling have some EeeEvIiiL Oara around her?? JK!! shes a good person lah!! Then i realised that My scores are affected by the presense of different people. Not much effect on Yu though~ Until Derek came!! wah Me n Yu all score alot. sooo strange O_O!! He is... A HOLY MAN!!! JK!! his just a lucky guy~ XD Aniway, i felt that Pling and Yu would get very tired the next day, so i abit bad lah, i shoo them to sleep. lol then me leh?? Still run around do silly things!! Even makan Pringles wif the dudes, Thanks Andy for the Pringles!! So we continue to fool around (FYI I TOOK 2 BATHES AT 12mn AND AT 4AM)....fool around untill mornning!

The rest washed up and do PT, while i went back home for a short while to dump my stuff, so later when go BC will be lighter. When i came back, they started the captain's ball game. i can't bear to watch, so after taking a few photos, i joined in play!! soo fun! i blocked a few shots wif my umbrala XD (CHEATING!!) and even scored one long range XD but also credits goes to the person that caught my ball. sry but i din see who, i just know i score XD. Then was breakfast!! i had 2 slices of bread and a cup of milo. but JOYCE!! soooooooo naughty keep tearing my bread and eat it, i had no choice so i dump everything into my mouth XD Lol Yu and Pling also lor, drink my milo untill half gone T_T. Then they play the BOOM game!! I got boomed once, haha i was unaware!! I= BOOOOOOM!!! then they also BoOm RAMDAN!! HAHA his from concert band and also from my class, extra extra only at the canteen, so we sabo him lor!

But sadly i had to go for my BC so i left at around 9:45am. kaix, 3 years, 7 months, 4 days, 9 hours and 45 mins.......during this time duration, i will never forget the good times and bad times i had in Npcc. All the way till the very last moment. Thank you sirs for guiding me, Thank you, SNCOs for growing together with me. Thank you NCOs for taking over, Thank you sec 2s for becoming a fine cadet after u endded yr sec 1 days wif me, and Thank you sec 1s, for the 7months and 4 days, i will not forget anything that you have done for me, i know it is sad, but the time will always come, that we will have to bit farewell. To my sec 1s. Someday, you will take over Npcc, Someday, you will pass out. Please promise me one thing.... DUN EVER QUIT NPCC FROM NOW UNTILL THAT SOMEDAY. Once agian. Thank you for everything.

(New Vid(Np POP))

- the shadow .
6:52 PM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Tmr, will probably be the last day of my life in Npcc i will be passing out tmr. Haix.... all the times i remember, the good and the bad.. Even the very first day in Np.. yep, i was VERY short then, everyone just seem to tower over me. And over the years, sadly, i see people starting to leave. The family was getting smaller and smaller.... or so i thought. Instead it felt like i was getting closer to find out who the real family of Np cadets were. Some times in np i will never forget. Like the PA trainning....Andy, Wati, Chingyang, Rohidah, Ain and Me at first it seemed like madness, a never ending torture, but when the final parade ended, everyone was soo happy we wished it will not end. Then there were the camps. I got to meet great people from other schools from np, sometimes i wonder.... will the time come when i cross paths agian with one of those Lads.....

Anyway, today is a rather weird day. It started normal and then during chemistry, IT WENT WILD!! well we had eugene playing around wif his plastic bottle, and before i knew it, he was twisting it like paper. yep intill i looks like a crushed up tonado...lol.

Next was during the physics test, well it's not the test that bordered anyone, it was the laughing coming from 4E5, well acording to MrsSunil, they were playing a super hilarious clip and that class kept bursting wif laughter every few seconds...ooh man WADABOUT MY TEST!?!?

After that NP yep some of you knew, i yelled my all at a few sec 1s, well THEY DESERVE IT!! infront of the whole Np say we suck and somemore disturb one of my sec 1s, YOU PEOPLE ONLY SEE THE BORING PART OF NP, NEVER SEE HOW MUCH WORK WE NCOS ARE PUTTING IN FOR YOU GUYS... really nutskulls... Btw for the rest of my other sec1s... Dun worry, You guys rocks!!! yeah~ and before the pop tmr, i'm probably gonna have a super rush day editting a vedio for you guys, JUST CROSS YR FINGERS AND HOPE I MAKE IT IN TIME!!


- the shadow .
4:42 AM