Saturday, December 30, 2006

Crazy week man, soo muched happened, lets start with boxing day, well ya, me and my pals bought a AuditionSEA prepaid card for MsSalina coz we heard it could be used for maple, and wadaya know?! It does! well we found that out shortly after Sal called the local retailers, and it was kinda fun but weird watching how she was jumping up and down, oh ya btw she has a new maple hairstyle. I also tried her "Clear Coffee" ya that wat i named it, looks like tea, taste like water(not enough sugar XD) and smells like coffee. ~LOL~ And coz of that, or something i ate that day, i had a tummy ache for like....4 days, but that did not stop me from coming back to skool. Oh ya i got into 5n2, OH SHYT! somehow i feel like there are gonna be aaaalota peir crap from next year on~ book list was kinda late, managed to get the usuals but the eng, which was outta stock. I also Joinned my pals painting MsSal's room and not to mention getting really sick and tired of watching "Friends" <--a show. Few other stuff happened too, like how we ran outta paint and sal had to go get yellow colour ones that was totally useless since she herself din like it Oo. yeah, i know, very random. And about Np? Heard Joe turned up on one of the days, yeeah, real hard style np trainning, totally owned, in the rain too! Their painting the rifle's tip too, very nice and shinny, Gd work guys, and ya, to the self-proclaimed pro of painting Nick XD....Well so sal's room is almost done, i was thinking maybe i should get the dudes to throw an openning party or smth, yeah all the nuts ideas. Oh and i think MrNaz would like to say smth too.....................HEY GUYS!! I JUST BOUGHT AN I-MAC!! WOOHOO!! IT COSTS ME $3K!! BUT WHU CARES, I RIIICH!!! YEAH!!(not Brian talking).....................ahem..Back to me, and How on earth did you get into my post Naz, must've been looking everyday eh? So just wanna say Gd Luck to NP wif their oreantation stuff, Sal to her room, Naz to his new "Big Boy's Toys" and to you guys for a great next year! oh ya, not to mention me for somehow managing to log into blogger to post this, it was delayed a few days coz of the laggyness i was going through. Till next time, Bz-OUT!

- the shadow .
3:51 AM

Monday, December 25, 2006

No the title are not names of people, but more rather what i did on X-mas eve and the day it's self, well as some of you know i had a party at night with my other relatives, yea, lots of food, drinks, presents and yakerty-yack. Aside from my room being invaded by nosy aliens, (yes all of them are aliens) my com also got raided and consider youself lucky to be able to read this post as my com near went into bits, not to mention millions of germ particles are now on my keyboard as a particular alien sneeze dead straight into my com. Alot of accidents happened on the eve party, like an alien spilling coffee on another alien, and another alien drinking concentrated syrup thinking it was water. Oh well, the party ended faster then usual, but for once i was glad it did, coz all these havoc is seriously draining my energy. And shortly after the aliens boarded their respective space ships and flew off, i ripped my presents open. Well well, as expected, i got alienic stuff too, 1st of all is a T-shirt that was soo small i just gave it to my sis 10 seconds after openning it ( she is older but smaller) next was another T that is the right size (good good) and finally, the most shockig of all the presents i have every recived in my life at all occasions is..... I PAIR OF LEVIS BOXER SHORTS THAT IS EVEN TOO SMALL!! YUCK!!! okok firstly i HAAAAAAATE BOXERS, 2ndly THEIR TOO SMALL!!! All you veiwers must be wonderig am i gonna wear it? HELL NO!!......................sheesh, i'd rather get a voulcher to get anything i want.

Next--> Today!! X-maz day!!
First of all i wanna wish all you viewers and non-viewers including road sweepers, cats, dogs and rats a Merry X-Maz! And what more better to do on this joyous day then to (i will like you imagine what i did).............................................................................(ok now i will tell) Sleep all day!!! yea, for some reason i felt increadiblely tired and just dropped dead in my bed til noon, and then slept agian till evening. And all this time my fam went out to watch Cruse of the golden flower or w/e nonsense, i hate this kinda "TONG! TONG! CHIANG!" kinda movies oh ya, i also just finished watching an anime series called "Full Metal Panic" just a few mins ago, it's an Awesome show! Not to be missed by some anime go-ers i know that read my blog. But my veiwiing of that show does not just end there, there are 2 more sequals to this already awesome show, which makes it Awesominormous!! LOL! Ok, Guess i gtg, have to Inrtude some of your blogs and cause some serious havoc XD. Untill next time, Merry X-Maz and see ya soon!


- the shadow .
6:24 AM

Friday, December 22, 2006

Wah rox! Almost 2 months never blog, and my tag board all flood by my kawaii juniors liow very sry, i completely lost the will to blog after my N's i seriously thought it was all over, but coz of an unexpected surprise, looks like i'm back!

Ok Let me pick up from where i left off, of coz you guys know i have alot to talk about so i will just split them up into groups so veiwing will be alot easier for you.


Well ever since the start of the hols, alot alot alot of chnges have taken place in my lil house, or rather the household. It seems like my dad have became rather growchi at small little details that are merely a border to any human. I find it VERY ironic when he keeps reminding me that he is getting old and weak (well ya i see him gettig sick alot) BUT on the other hand he has LOADS full of energy to scream and yell and kapo at my stuff and this that. GEZ what is the deal wif late-middle age people.

Another VERY VERY DUMB issue is the recent hype over the infamous "Korean Dramas" it is a deadly wave of dangerous "entertainment" that seems to affect women of all ages, similarly the 2 ladies in my house hold, and that is my sis and mom, about my sis, i dun really border, she is crazy over it but knows her limitation, BUT my mom has taken korean drama madness to a whole new level. Even small issues like sharing of the TV is a Serious eyesore to her, i mean like ya i am a anime freak, but at least i try not to border their stuff by finding them on youtubem and then there was inuyasha that is only showed on TV and i get to watch 30 mins of it on tv 3 times a week, BUT my mom has this DVDs that she could watch anyday, anytime, anywhere, u miss it today, u watch it tmr, no sweat, MINE IS BROADCAST DAMMIT SCREW ALL THOSE CRAP. I just ask her nicely about letting me watch at 11 (she has after dinner at 8-11) for just that 1 show and she starts her furious raoring eg..."WHY DO YOU ALLLLWAYS PICK ON MEE !?!?!? WHY NOT ASK DAD WHY WHY WHY WHY" see the dangers of korean drama? yeah very very scary indeed, scientist should come out with a cure for all these poor women that turned into selfish living zombies.


Oh well well soo much has happened, what can i say?? Maybe i should start with the fact that....I MADE IT THROUGH MY Ns!!! YAY!!!! Too bad for me it was only 7, no fair! that Mastura is always getting a tiny little bit higher then me in any major exams,(maracules how low she gets for mocks) Oh well looks like i godda try like some marko-polo freak nezt year. Oh ya, met adam also and got a small bit of good news from him, according to him i can go for an interveiw forMass Com if i get grade 1 for eng. Hehe that day i was soo overjoyed i yell out YES!!! (I'm sure people on the first floor couls hear me =X) and that Naz really freaked me out bytrying to offer me an ITE spot before telling me a made it -.-"

Next lets fly over to NP!! I was a little late on thursday, but i heard there was abit of soap opra before i came, right?? something happened right?? something like...."!#@?! YOU ARE NO MORE IN NP!! GET OUT!!!$@%$#!!!" heh i met that guy when he was on the way out btw. Okok lets move to the trainning. Rifle drill was good, untill the singing part of the songs starts, abit un-coordinated, that part, anyway it's still good and do yr best to work on it cadets. And dance? Hmm, theres one thing i can say...SMILE MORE LEH!!! Ya i dunno anything about dancing but at least put up a good face. Oh ya, i also dunno why they give marshmello, i din even get -.-"" Anyway, YU THING!! YOU WAN ME COME NP ON X-MAS EVE AR!?!?!? HOHOHO!! MERRY X-MAS...almost max post space liow, Untill then, Bz-OUT! (expecting next post soon)

- the shadow .
6:20 AM