Friday, July 28, 2006

WoooWeeeee~ WHAT A GREAT DAY!! Today is the 28th of July 2006, the day i turn 16, and i have to say that today is A WHOOOOOOOOOLE lot better compaired to my other birthdays, I MEAN REALLY! with bunches of stuff, opk lets start off with first thing today.

Alright, i woke up today at 5:30 and switch off my phone alarm to my FIRST SURPRISE! YuTing! Thanks for wishing me, you are the first one to wish me, and guess what, the time you sent me that message is 1:11AM NICE TRIPLE 1s!! Then i carry one wif my day, yeepeee! packing the candiez into my bag like sandy~clawz(zats wat i have been saving up for) And hop merrily to skool!! Yay and many peeps wished me HappyBday!! sooo happy bwahaha!! AND TO CELEBRATE, I WILL BROKE THE DAILY VITASOY AND REJOYCED WIF MY LOOONG AWAITED DOUBLE-MILO!!!(1 week never drink till today) Then during recess, i bought 2 pieces of chicken from my fav malay food stall and WAT LUCK!! UNCLE GAVE ME 1 MORE EXTRA PIECE FREEE!!! HAPPY, run everywhere make silly noise!! ^^ Then Go back to class, and before i knew it, it was all over......skool that is... Next i opened the np room and delee dalee ^^ and.. IN COMES JOSHUA

BAH! ok, so i got wack a few times from a bunch of weird peeps. And other weird things happeded, like MRNAZ U!! U!! U!!....he made me do a speech thingy for this monday morning -.-" OK! Np started, and i got countless (HAPPY BDAYS!!) from various people, one interesting one is... "KOPLAAAAN SADIIIIIIII~~ YA!!!... GOOD AFTERNOON NCO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NCO!!! PERMISSION TO CONTINUE NCO!!"<--(By Derek) And i was like......hmm smth was added into the usual greeting..hmmm....Then TRAINNING! YAY MY KAWAII SEC 1s!! train train train untill wooopeee~!~! Anyway, Just before the full parade, i gave out the CANDIEZZ! yep, threw them all over the place and see them scewer everywhere like beggers XD waah, then the whole np sing happy bday song for me ^^ soo loud and annoying and irritating and monotone and ear piercing and......Touching~ T_T .....then the full march pass and goo home!! WELL NOT FOR ME!! i went to JP and eat ice cream from swensens!! Who went with me?? ANDY!!, PIE!!, YUTING!!, LING, MEIXING!!, dude PRATA!! We ate the GIANT EARTHQUAKE!! SUPER we get to choose soooo many flavours and is was saduuuuup!! Oishiiiiii!! YuuMMMyy!! I was toootally Bloated when i finished and.......SURPRISE!! EVERYONE GAVE ME PRESENTS!!! WAH! i dunno wadda say!! the last time i got bday presents was yeeeeeears ago!! you guys....ARE THE BEST!! Ok Lets see wat i got!

First to pull out the the gifts was YuTing!, It was from both her and Andy!! I got a bottle of hand made stars and a little paper message thingie, i REALLY like the Stars, sooo many! and even hand made, Thanks for the gift. ^^


From PeiLing!! 2 BLEACH figurings in a chocolate like looking packet, KAWAII!! Both inside a cute blue cake bag! Howd you know i like bleach!?!?!? ^^ heh heh thanks alot too! and wanna know wat characters are in the packs?? must read on to the bottem!!


A BDay Card From and Sakai Reloaded panden From APPLE PIE AND MEI XING!! THAAAAAANKSS!! Looks like everyone know i like animes ^^ hey btw, theres some funny things written in the card, read on to know....then agian THANKS!!

Ok now we will go on the more in-depth info bout the people and presents^^!!

Bottle of StarZ(super tall angle) From Andy and YuTing

ANDY-Andy or ND is one of me good pals in Np since sec 1!! He is smart, funny, weird(in a good way) handsome and "Cute+iest" -.-"" Anyway, we have gone through alot in np, from the fun times like sarawak camp, to the extream harshness of NPCC DAY PARADE trainning (2004) He will alwayz be there to make you laugh, a true friend, i great guy, all the best for your O's this year and... HOPE YOU GET CI!!

YuTuing-One of my Kawaii sec 1s, always turnning up for trainning even if she had something on (eg.IT M.Word compitition)..shes outgoing, friendly, and also a very beautiful young lady, HEY CHADS, DUN ANYHOW FLIRT WIF HER AR!! Still needs to volunteer for more tasks though, Anyway, hope you stay as looong as possible in np and have a great time, someday, you sec 1s will take over np.

Niwayz, what are in the bleach packs?? To all bleach fans, i am proud to say the 2 characters are.....



This Figurines are from PeiLing

PeiLing- Another one of my Kawaii sec 1s, chubby and cute!! BUT i notice everytime march on wrong leg eh!! XD.....WAh even at swensens juz now playing wif the spoon and ice cream.....your cup of water all white..Eeeeeeeee!!! Haha, Aniway, She will become another great cadet if she continues her life in Np, All the best, and go ALL THE WAY!! It's loooong road with many obsticles, but THERES NOWHERE EALSE YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THE LIFE OF NP!!!

WHAT IS THIS!?!?!? "BE MATURE"!?!?!?!? MUST BE WRITTEN BY PIE!!...oh well

ApplePie- Yes, Also another one of my Kawaii sec1s, very interesting person too!! why?? COZ SHE LAUGH ALOOOOOOOT!!! FOR NO REASON!!! BUT!! It's becuz she laugh, the people around her becomes happy!! And her face tends to flush VERY RED easily, hah, i guess she reeeeeeeaaly is an apple!! Best of luck, and go all the way!!

MeiXing- Soon to be a NCO honestly speaking, before she took a squad, i had little hope in her, BUT she has proven me VERY WRONG!! She comunicates Very Well wif the younger cadets making her an eceptional(spelling?) trainer! With trustable people like her around, although i'm leaving the world of Np soon, i feel safe to leave it in the hands of people like her, Work Hard And dun let us NCOs down!!!

As you can see, i have recieved many gifts and many well as many bash-ups -.-" and even a great dinner wif my family. For the presents i recieved, I will treasure them always, BUT it is the thought that you guys carry about me that will truely forever remain in the depts of my heart..(But not the bashing-up), Thank you, for this great day that everyone had gave me, i shall remember it as long as i live. Thank you~

(spelling errors will be plentiful in this post)


- the shadow .
6:06 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hey!! today was a whooooole lot better then yesterday!! ok lets se, i did the morning usuals like brushing theeth, taking a bathe..bla bla. Then i go to skool bla bla, but on the way,(almost reaching) it started to drizzle a little, so wad i do?? walk faster lor~! All ok, untill i entered skool grounds, then wadapen? DOWNPOUR!! WOOHOOO I MISSED IT!! den a go eat my daily breakfast, which this week i am cutting down alot from becuase i'm gonna use the money for smth for fri's Np trainning ^^......Niwayz, Juuuuust when i was going back to the foyer where my bag was to read some "Horrible Histories"<--(a book i borrowed), i saw RainStop!, and guess wat, looks like the rain did not stop for her...poor thing~ She was drenched aaaaaalllll the way to her feet, then ask me...ehhh!?!? Soo Dry ar?? Me= Grin XD Anyway, Everything after that was pretty much normal till.....PE!!! YEAH! BADMINTON!! YEAH!! i played wif 2 girls from my class( no fun) BOOO!!! soo boring, UNTILL!!! Mastura steps in to save them... -.-"" She can't smack much, but she's the only person that can block my smacks, anyway, i started to drizzle agian, but this time... I DUN CARE!!! why?? coz i'm already all wet XD.... so continue to play play play untill times up, hiax, some PE, then i walk around the pe room area (no reason) then wadapen? Bump into more of my Kawaii sec 1s!.... or rather naughty sec 1s -_-"" Who?? (apple)PIE!, NICK!, LING! and JOYCE! and guess wad did they do?? ALL TAKE TURNS TO WIPE THEIR RAIN WATER ON MY PE SHIRT!! Bah~ Now my PE shirt has ALOT of rain water, and the sweat of 5 people(including myself). Oh well, so as the day continues.....we got back to class and Joe and Eugene started taking off their soaks(the thing on put on yr legs[dunno how to spell])........STINK!! somemore go hang them on the table like BBQ -.-" then, life continues O_o all the way till recess... Who did i bump into this time?? Rainstop!! AGIAN!! eh wait a sec... She's a sec 1 stud... wat is she doing at the upper sec recess??? oh well dun care niway, so i tell Andy(Rainstop's "Acting" Mom)*LOL* then they chat and bla~ oooh before that, i was also forced to tell Andy my special trainning on fri -.-"" He did not wanted to come, but after hearing wad i godda say.. I WANNA COME!! And den reminded my theres ALOOOT of four in the Np room (getting a clue now?) Oh well, next person i bump into is MsSalina (bump to her wif my frens) Or rather she told us to go to her. Why?? MAPLE TALK! Diao~ wad did she say?? OOOOH YESTERDAY's MY FiiiirST Time Too LUDI!!.....TeDDyZ Sooo CUUtE.....KILL KILL KILL.....-.-lol~ And as soon as i got back to class i was awaken by the most horrific sight!! HOLY COW EUGENE POLISHED HIS LEFT TOE NAILS WIF CORRECTION FLUID......dots today VERY happenning sia, more then compensate for yesterday's bored to death thingies~ Then the day continues agian, and halted yet agian by wat?? PAPER PLANES!! yay the gooooooood'ol dayz in primary skool when i was a baaaaaaaaaaaaad baaaaaaaaaaad boy.....haix brings back alot of memories...hey! everyone joined in k! From joe to faz, from faz, to zam, from zam, to ME! yeah, i juuust had to made the same modle the shot into the ceiling of my class room (Done by me last tearm to mark i was there)[some might know] Hey anyone wan to see true paper plane power go to 4n4 classroom(old block 4th floor, 3rd room from the toilets nearest to mlc block) and look for a small plane stuck about 2/3rds into the ceiling near a fan ^^ haix i made 2 more of those modles today and shot them from both sides of the class room, one totally overshot the mlc block!! (my second time overshooting, most lands on the roof), the other plane smashed onto the wall of the HDB apartment XD then the other classes who were also flying planes call me a cheater....(THEY SORE LOSERS LAH, DUNNO TRUE PAPER PLANE POWER) And i guess that marks the end of my rather weiiiird day, yeah, too much that even i have a head-egg (really) So, looook forward to this fri and Hooope nothing bad happends ^^.


- the shadow .
5:27 AM

Monday, July 24, 2006

great.....todayz just another boring'ol day, nothing much really~ classes are more boring then usual, and there seem to be no big happenning today, i also feel like i'm in nowhere. Hang out with my friends too seldom..... and also......ALOT of periods wif MrNaz, alright lets see how many Nazzy periods is there today... first we have 1 before recess, 2 after recess, and 4 more during self study making it a total of 7 periods wif "good'ol naz" (3.5hours) and the rest of the subjects were like all 1 periods... so i kinda feel like i acomplished nothing for the others.

Hah! i godda fright this morning when i was chit chatting wif Joshua, as some of the sec 1s know, i am trying to plan a special trainning for you guys(got reason) but the problemo is that Joe told me that this fri(IT HAS TO BE ON FRI) you guys were going for an energy saving couse....SCREW THAT!!! Oh buy you would'nt have imagine have fadup i was at that time, untillllll....... i bumbed into THK, and wat did he say?? Over already waaaaaad it was last friday, not this friday.... -.-""" DIE JOE!!! SCARE ME LIDDAT!! Anyway, pls turn up for the trainning this fri, i'm gonna make it great!~!

Laterz! Bz-OUT!

- the shadow .
2:37 AM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Yea~ lots of rain these few days, too much, and oh, today have np... how was it? not for me to judge, today we let the sec 3s take over, i just there to correct mistakes. How many mistakes? ALOT well lets see, i told some sec 3s timeless of times to correct the timing error but nooooooooooooo they did not zzz. And well yea as usual always about 1/2 way the trainning and a BIG lot of my sec ones get summoned for some lame reason....z and wat is it this time?? some skit for POP, hey for yr info, it is always the same o'l bunch of peeps that get called to do exclusive stuff, and who are they? "The popular banch" Yep, well dun feel sad that i'm saying this, i treat all my sec 1s the same way, i dun hate anyone, it's just that because of this you guys are missing out on ALOT of trainning, yep, theres one portion of sec 1s that i took today and trainned them all the way till like sec 2 standard... hey hey, see wat'cha missing, big stuff ya know~ Hey you guys better make the skit a good one or ealse i will make u all do chicken dance on stage untill u all get bird-flu >:( Oh well~ sadly some sec 3s screwed up abit when giving the comands which the sec 1s have not even heard before and poor sec 1s kena scolded by sir.... sigh, on behalf of those dimwitts, i apologise for that screw up(btw i have nth to do wif it). I just hope for the other sec 1s that go for the skit that i will have more time to train you all in foot drill, you guys need alot of catching up, anyway, if you do wanna have some help or tips, i can be found at the foyer(if i'm not there, sure have my bag) from about 7-7:20 every skool day, feel free to ask for help~ untill next time


- the shadow .
5:08 AM

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yoz, swearing ceromony is over!! and like hmm i din blog yesterday, pity lah few things happened that is funny. oh well, i shall tell~

Well see yesterday i had my N-level oral(k lah not that bad) and after that was self study, pretty much normal, just that i was festing on 2 bags(BIG) of chips, coco cookies, a 1M long sour power ribbon(candy), 2 bottles or green tea and a lolli ^^ dear me, i can't seem to stop eating. Anyway, after all those stuff, i was going home when GUESS WAT I SAW AT THE CARPARK?? MY KAWAII SEC 1 CADETS!! Thanks joe i reeeeally owe you one for helping me train them. And somehow i got myself into a weird situation.....they made me the acting AC -.-" yaya, have to stand on that little stage thingie and "act cool" lol, infront of all the other skool peeps going home somemore... than guess who walked pass?? MrKOH.T.H!! Ya lah, as usual very spiteful of np, must stop and stand there soo kapo, with scornful eyes somemore. And the unbelievable happened... HE DROPPED ALL HIS STUFF!! AAHAHAHA!! PAI-SE!! faster pick them up and scamper off 'with his tail in between his legs'. Another silly thing happened, and that is.... well almost all the Ncos found out wat was PAPA JOE'S(Joshua) afraid of......CATS!! CUTE LIL CATS!! lol you should've seen the look on his face XD...

Ok! moving on to today, i woke up at 5 and got dressed, pack my stuff and bla bla. bout 6:15 i left...well all was normal....the only thing was...WATII!!! NOO ... We Will Alwayz...EH!! SAMULA!!...LOL everyone heard that, anyway we learn from mistakes so it's ok. AND WHICH SQUAD IS THE ONE AT THE BACK OF THE HALL??? stupid squad, coz of that skool i lose face infront of other skool sir, we tell them go take bag, all squads take but them, one of them ask hisham can go down, he say can.... THEN WHYA RE THEY STILL UP THERE!?!?!? the sir even point at them and give that "ooh never do yr job " kinda face... OI WE TOLD U , U NEVER LISTERN, DUN SABO OUR YUHUA SWEARING LAH! Gezz...anyway nothing much happened after that, i went for eng tution, came back, went for lunch and now i'm back wif a cold and a head full of must be due to andy scratching his head juz now -.-"" Anywayz,

I will be changing the vid, This time it will be done be me, Song from gundam seed and vid from naruto, hope you like it~!


- the shadow .
3:52 AM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

HELLO!! MY NAME IS BRIAN, I'M ALMOST 16 AND I'M CRAZY......................................WAIT!!!!! WHY AM I DOING THIS AGIAN!?!?!?!?!?
Aiya, soo long never visit this place, since when ar?? last month? NO?? 2 months ago? NO?? Then when??? ARPIL!?!?! OMG! zzzzzzz hey hey, you all know why i dun blog for soo long? The main reason is because YOU guys dun come oftern, ya lo, sooooo long untill theres one point i totally gave up even visiting my OWN blog. ZZZ Anywayz~~~ I'M BACK!!! y? coz some speccy noisy Ah Lian Nag at me ( YOU! should know i'm talking bout YOU!)

OK!! back to my life~ today? wednesday!! NP today!! weird eh? normally it is on a friday, and MAN was this week (only half way) hectic!!! I gone through like ARRRGHHH!!! just to get a tiiiny little trainning spot for my sec 1s, for begging MrTan(HK) to talking buissness wif MrTan(KL another tan) sooo much trouble, just because MrTan(hk) is lazy to ask Tan(kl) his own self -.-"" But sadly, my trainning that i planned till 3:30 was destroyed...why? COZ JOSHUA SAID SO!! HMP!! what can i do?? Oh well, anyway after that i went to the mrl and guess who i bump into?? the NCDCC trainner, we had a small lil chat bout trainning we give to sec 1s, by the was, the ncdcc gets 5 pumpings(NORMAL STANDARD) for every mistake they make, even moving and chatting, You sec 1s leh?? 1 for a bunch of more serious screw ups....(NO STANDARD) nvm i will have to start the real deal trainning VERY soon, today is just to warm you up, more scolding, more pumping, more....better you all will get...sniff* yes i hope you all get it by now, everything i do, it is for you sec 1s, some of you might notice me doing double the pumping behind the squad my self, i am punishing myself for not trainning you all properly, and i hope i can do so in the future, also, very sorry for the extreamly late info bout todays trainning, but i fought to the very end to get you guys a slot, please train hard yrself at home and find as much help as you can (just ask us bout drills nitime) untill then,

- the shadow .
4:15 AM