Friday, January 26, 2007

As usual every sat i go for my tution class at the British Council, today in particular was abit of a draw back for me, i din really wanna go, after all, NP is having their Air-Gun-Shooting today, and even invited me, i was soo happy but then later found out it is in this sat morning, which is totally a waste, coz events like this shooting one is soo rare, one only comes across it about once or twice a year. BUT my BC was paid for with no re-funds, so if i skip it if i'm not sick, my parents will YANK my bones apart, SKINN me alive and FRY my in hot oil. LOL so i had no chioce but to go.

Anyway, the train rides furing both departure and returning was interesting, first trip there, i saw a nice healthy family that was probably on their way to some sports club, after all they were all in their exercising outfit, all seems normal till the mom got out of her sit, and NO it is not to give it up to sumone ealse, but it was to comunicate wif the dad......strange? why? Ok thats coz the dad is deaf. shocking for me, thats the first time i've seen a deaf person that was not working in KFC...LOL ....

And wadabout the ride home? Well it was plane freaky, nth but freaky. Why? Well coz it kept shaking and shaking and shaking, not to mention it completely does not sound like a MRT at all, but very similar to that of a bus, i kept thinking maybe the producers were out of train engines and had to use the bus's lol

Ok now lemme tell you more about my BC class, i learn things that are never thought in school, (cannot tell, trade secret ^^) and all the students there are my standard, which makes me abit uneasy for not being the top few all the time ( yes i topped that class before too ^^, but not as much as in school). And the teacher MrsAnne is marverlous, she's from England,London, about in her mid 40s and taught in many many many countries, now she teaches perfect "Queen's English" to and and even tries to learn SINGLISH! It's soo funny hearing her say out things like "Liow, Lah, Leh, Lor" in a perfect english acent! Hohohaha.....

Ok just before i go, just wanna highlight that yesterday MrsGrewal showed my class a thrilling vid of the show "the others" and Fazri freaked out and made a fightful alarming short yell hahahahahaaha, looks like even macho guys have soft spots. ^^

OK, till next time,

- the shadow .
9:52 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2007


- the shadow .
1:59 AM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cool man, i get burned by scrotching HCL acid today WOOOHOOO!!! coz the guy next to me was heating it up for an experiment and oopsy daisy, too much heating and it spirted out of the test tube and errupted like a vocano!!! weeee many drops of Scrotching HCL landed on my arm and BURN BURN BURN!! YEEEAH!! Thankfully for me, the HCL is diluted, or ealse my arm would have been reduced to bones by now X_X. Anyway, I got the Germs from Sal and had to be absent from skool yesterday, HEH i found out she was absent that day too, GEZ AN EXPENSIVE PRICE TAG ON MY MIDECAL FEE, 37 bucks from my own pocket. And oh ya, i am still sick at e monent wif some kinda weird alien infection in my throat. LOL. Btw i'm also in skool right at this very second blogging this thing, and well yar, in the mlc listerning to boring boring music which practically only he listerns to, the only reason why i'm sharing earphones is coz i wanna listern to smth rather then nth. And oh yeah, about the lastest update on NPCC, theres a very interesting take in of the amout of sec 1 students this year, only 20+!! normally we will get some super huge number about 3X this years intake, but do i give a damn? NO! Why? Coz i am 2006's sec 1 UDI, not 07's, so haha to who every it is, too bad for you, small squad, better keep all of them in np. My Kawaii ((SEC2S)) ya, now sec 2 liow, No one can beat that banch, after all who brought them up? XD Ok now on the lowdown on anime, i just recived news that the naruto fillers are officialy ending on the 15th next month, thats REJOYCE for 2 years of crap fillers. Anywayz, i gtg already, too much blogging in skool, juz ain't right. Tmr i will be going to NGEE ANN POLY, and will probably be updating my blogging bout tmr's events. Till then,


- the shadow .
11:57 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

And then agian i was not able to log in and post smth for a while coz of my net speed that has been increadible slow this few days, to the extend i can't even have my usual daily dose of anime on youtube XD. Anyway, i few things happened this week, but the problem is it rained to much i'm stoned, yeah, stoned, i can;t remember much, so i will just give you the breif on some "in" stuff that happened, one of which was Jia Hao's(5n1) little act yesterday, it was hilarious, he came to my class asking for eugene(coz of some handphone stuff) then Mr001 said "why?, JH said "NCC", then Agent001 said where's yr teacher's pass? then jh said wait and too out smth from his pocket, guess what was it? not teachers pass but his LATE PASS, the whole class is laughing till god knows what happened to their stomatch,lol, anyway, i also had to pay Naz every single cent i had in my wallet coz of the school's portal thingie, and suffered wif only ice mountain yesterday X_X Few other events are gonna take place like next week visit to NGEE ANN POLY, i'm can't wait for that, wanna check out the filming and mass com courses!! Oh ya, and Teddy and CT dropped by at school today, surprise, i was doing my math hw wif some of my classmates when they HI! behinde me, i got a fright! the weirdiest thing is this, they were all wearing reeeeally crumpy school unis, lol whats wif that?? Anyway, i will be gonna be more busy coz of my art and hope i can have some free time to post stuff,
untill next time,

- the shadow .
5:38 AM

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ok well as you noticed i update my blog about evry 3 days or so, but this time i stretched abit longer all coz of a little vid i wanted to upload on youtube and post here, but due to that earthquake thing, i was not even able to get into the website till recently,( yea my internet sevice is crappy) so well ya, as you probably read in my previous post that Naz bought himself a spanking new iMac and that dramatic CAPS LETTERS SAYING 3K I'M RICH!! Well but wun it be more fun if you guys managed to see how was it like?? eeh? well happeneds so that i was recording the whole thing on my handphone and they sorta knew about it, so i assumed it was deleted when my phone got harrested by both Sal and Naz, BUT, WELL WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW!? It's not!! good good good, so i uploaded it into my com and got into a little bit of mess trying to make the video veiwable by you people, but well since it now is, why now? yea? Oh ya btw if your watching the vid you might notice a "AVONE DEMO VERSON" in very faint colours across the screem, just heck care about that, i had to get myself an encoder to make it uploadable, so well ya, you know all these companies trying to promote their products, so just heck care if you are able to see the words. I will be replacing my old vid with that new one, but pls note the image itself is smaller then the screen, so it might be hard to see, ty. ALSO! Pls remember to pause the music if you wanna watch the vid, so you can hear naz LOUD AND CLEAR ^^, there is a pause button on the music player, it's green if your still clueless. Well i hope you all like it, and i also wanna say grats to NPCC for doing such a great job during the sec1 oreantation, do take goooood care of the incoming sec 1s and uphold our standards, ty, untill next time,

- the shadow .
6:50 AM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

And that is about the first day of skool. Well yar, the first things i noticed is the huge amout of parents and newdies(noobs) standing around the canteen area, and coz of that it was near impossible to get my milo, oh ya btw the price of ice mountain water dropped frm 80cents to 60. LOL. Not to mention i also kinda found out that there is gonna be a new indian store in the canteen. YAAAAAAAAAAAY FOOD FOOD INDIAN FOOD ROX. okok not to admin matters, like teachers and stuff. Whu is my new form cher? wait, did i write the word "new" in the previous sentence? SCREW THAT, for the 4th year in a roll teaching me, and the 3rd time in a roll being my form cher, HI NAZ READING THIS??? YEA THOUGHT SO. ya la ya la him la....zzz no fun. And wadabout the other chers? Theres MrsGrewal Agian for eng, which is good, MdmChan agian for math, which is also good. MrsWong/Tan for chem which had a very weird start, it kinda begane like this, she came in with the usual intro and slowly her tone became more agressive, then suddenly taking a steep climb to the state like she was scolding a class that did smth wrong. LOL i just looked at my friends and gave the "whu is this cher?" kinda look. i mean like yea, good to tell us yr feirce and stuff but HELLO?? WE DIN DO ANlTHING AT ALL THIS YEAR YET!!!. Next PE cher, aiya dun need say lah, if it's not MrsLiu or MichealTan(retired as pe cher) then i no need talk about it, the rest are all the same to me. CME(no needa know, useless subject =P), MT? (no need know also, i'm CLB) LOL. har har har, Phy? MrWeeeeeeeee, well i heard rumours(alot) that he has some super harsh teaching methods, we'r in for a rough science year.......where did THK go? -.- N2 zzzz ain't fair. Social Studies, MsPavathi, fyi, thats a bad thing, very sry to say but her teacher method is far far far unecceptable. what does she do? ok let me act it out.....Class turn to page 123 para 123, i'm gonna read, in year 1960, bla bla bla bla bla bla.....ok UNDERLINE, and she does that the whole lesson, what do we learn? How to listern with boring senseless readings. Thats why when i was in sec 3, we got her kicked out as our SS cher and got MsVani instead, ooh she's GREEEEAT!!! And a new subject, Social Emotional, wats that? i have no idea. who teaching? THE NAZ lol, let's see how emotional YOU can get haha, i know yr reading this =D. Ok gtg Untill next time, gud luck wif Np's oreantation in fri.


- the shadow .
5:23 AM