Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ok, so every chinese new year, families will come together and celebrate. Most Fams have their own traditions which that carry out every year, mine too, but the tradition me fam carries out would probably be one you would never wanna teach your kid if you are a mom/dad. WE PLAY BLACK JACK!! WAHAHA, everybody is free to join! But oh ya wait a second, when i say play black jack, i really mean we use real money and gamble. Everyone is welcome to join, evern kids of all ages, the age of players can range as young as 7, to as old as 70+ LOL! Normally the bankers would be the big, ol man. BUT there is one female that always steps up and play that dangerous role, and that person is none other than "The Mother Of All Mothers", which means our mom's mom, or our grandmother, haha, she's easily the oldiest player, most lucky and experienced, and oh yea, better watch out, she's awefully sly and sharp even for her age. Normally i would always be on the losing end every year, this year was no different, BUT something rather interesting happened. Well as you can see, my fams rather supersticious when it comes to gambling, so they take out all their lucky items, IT'S WEIRD! We have things as mordern as MP4 players, to things as old is vintage daggers!! ((LOOOL)) What about me? Well i dun need no crap, i'm my own lucky charm, wahaha! I started playing with 12 bucks, and oh yeah it was great, i just kept winning on and on till i reach $16. Dun look down on me, i only gamble once every year, so i play with small amounts, but lots of wins yeah, even the first guy to get an Ace&Picture card haha. All was going fantastic, UNTILL, i had to use the rest room....zzz and when i came back, I KEPT LOSING!!! WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED? I FLUSHED ALL MY LUCK DOWN THE TOILET BOWL!?!?!? O____O So i went from $16 all the way down to $7....... Guess who won most? BIG MAMA's MAMA of coz, all the mama's win a little and lose a little, the kids are the same, and the old guys...haha they lose alot. Only Grandma's untoucherble score still remains unrivaled. Well although i lost alot, it was still worth while to join in the fun that both the young and old of my fam shares, and i will still continue to play once with them every year as long as we are a fam, even is it means losing agian and agian and agian like i have always do. HAHAHA

Well, untill next time,

- the shadow .
8:30 AM

Saturday, February 17, 2007

THE WAIT IS OVER FOR BOTH YOU AND ME LOL, the wait is over for you coz i am posting now, haha, and the wait is over for me coz of the looong awaited, delayed for over 2 years, NARUTO SHIPPUDEN!!! The world is going mad with this latest installment of naruto, and NO IS IT NOT FILLERS (FINALLY!!!).....oh ya and very very very sry guys for not posting for a good long time, i'm both busy and lazy at the same time, the work together for example, i am very very very busy, so after all my work, i get super tired and therefore lazy to do anything ealse but eat and sleep. LOL sound like a pig? Well some people call me "Black Piggie" or "BBQ Piggie" how i get the name, haha that i cannot tell...some sort of pig organisation.....akatsuki? LOL! Anyway, speaking of pigs, HAPPY CNY!! PIG YEAR! GRUNT! GRUNT! GRUNT! Ok so before i talk bout the week lets talk abit about little furry "friends"....Pigs, oftern used as an insult about 8 years ago, for example, PIG LAR YOU, or LAZY PIG, or BIG FAT PIG...remember the good'ol days when all the insults fly like and then there was no talk about pigs for a while (except for the food =P)...UNTILL recently, about 1.5 years back, the pig talk came about agian. BUT only this time, NOT as an insult, infact people are seeing pigs as (Cute stuff) now, yep, now their cute, instead of being called a pig, PEOPLE ARE CALLING THEMSELVES PIGS, GREATEST TURN OF EVENTS!! Not to mention Pig Toys are getting super popular, those super rounded deformed types and oh ya i got a square black pig keychain from my sis last year for my b-day present, now getting more commen. So, amazing how the transformation of a simple animal states can go wild lol. grunt grunt~!

NEXT back to skool dudez
Roger just bought himself a DSLR cam, and that is a Cannon EOS400d of w/e i think, looks like everyone is getting a cam but me. -.- i wonder if i can buy roger's old cam for a cheap price, and also i used params "Semi-Pro" cam yesterday and found out that it's performance is way below the way it looks, well it looks fantastic but soo slow in taking photos and deleting and focusing and menu setting and ect ect, it's just slow, even wif high speed shooting on. ~ZZZ~ i guess looks is not everything. Anyway, i have to say the performance is LAME and WEAK all of them to me seemed like a LAST MIN WORK. Sry for the crud comments but i am a perfectionist when it comes to events, so i can only be frank with my comments.....on the brighter side, SAL GAVE ME AND ANG BAO!!! i was shooooocked, first time a malay giving a red packet, not green, and she gave rambo and roger too ( i think i know why). lol so i ran to the stage a grab some oranges to give here, traditional style LOL.....which later i consumed like no one's crap HAHAHA!! But their SWEET i love them all, BUT i bitten a seed and ARRGGGGGGH DAMN IS IT BITTER, IT LINGERS IN MY MOUTH FOR SOOO LONG, FEELS LIKE EATING BATTERY LIQUID YUCK!! Oh ya, i also got MsLee's "Million dollar smile" on the cam =P ok gtg, gonna cook PIZZA!! for my dinner, oh ya i also changed the little video to Naruto Shippuden's firt openning theme song, it's fantastic and the best soo far, hope you like it.......another post coming soon for pictures or recent events.

BZ-OUT...........ang bao, here i coooooome!!!!! ~lol can't help it, there's still a kid in me XD

- the shadow .
3:19 AM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

HAHA LONG TIME NO BLOG, well coz it's IT week and i have lots of things to do every single day. Lets start of wif monday, i had a BIG 2.4 run, and worst of all was i was completely unaware of it, anyway, monday kick started the IT week with video "animation" lol, MrNaz painstakingly went to Toys'R'US to buy some imitation lego set and play dough, LOL since it was not really interesting to talk bout the lego, lets jump to the play dough, Arnanti together with the "Shaka-Laka Babes" Happened to walk in and there MrNaz goes asking them for "help", of coz this help is nothing more then playing wif play dough, and boy did Naz look like he had a great time, even black coloured plastersine stuck in his long nails, LOL he then later told me how addictive the smell was..... -.- i was just like...ZOMG.... LOL
Next TUESDAY! sry i completely forgot what happened ^^
Then, WEDNESDAY!! OK folks, this is where the first picture comes in, well just after skool, i ran down to the local stores and bought myself some paper plates, chips, candies, and ect with roger for the littine party IT club was gonna hold...or should i say...IFCC <--just a more flashy name the dudes come up wif meaning info com club ..zzz.. Anyway, before the party, Naz wanted to teach the basics about photography... well, good lesson, the only weird thing we all noticed was he seemed to have alot of aimated movements during his lesson......dun get what i mean? ok then i will just post you a pic when he was explaining about shutter speed well hoho haha, looks like a tiger pouncing on some prey (NO EDITING DONE). Anyway we had a great party wif lots of nice food, godda give lots of credits to tiger boy over here, lol, anyway Rammo, or shall i say, MrDEMON LORD brought poperdums too, very very gud brudder i wan somore. lol. THEN IT WAS TIME FOR CANDY!!!!!!!!!! Guess what i bought? 1 meter long sour power, yea, i tore some for the upper sec dudes and ate the rest, which was about 70cm LOL wanna see?

howz zat?( NO EDITING ALSO) , anyway, wednesday ended wif lots of left over forward...$!%!#%!!

Yesterday was photography, today is photoshop, lol, naz agian, lol, and teachers too (their learning) Nick and his mafia co dropped in for a crash course too, and me? I was just bored, so i took one of the cams, take naz's pic from a cool angle and did this

Scary? cool? nice? duno la(Not edited?? =P), but for sure it is SADISTIC MUAHAHAHAHA!! i laughed soo hard at my work till i had to go out of the mlc for some air XD that was by far the best thing that happened all week, and it certainly made my day.

MrShahyd train them up for speech day, too bad i din know what was really going on, i just monitor the sec 3 (soon ncos) and sec 1s, lol, other then that it was normal, nth much. lol

ok Till next time,

- the shadow .
2:20 AM