Friday, March 30, 2007

People say Friday the 13th is bad luck day, but to me, it seems like it's Friday the 30th instead. Yes, it's speech day once ageat ian and a great time to make more memories, this year's would be smth to laugh about for the rest of my life. First of all, theres one word that i have to say to everybody. To My fellow junoirs and frends that read my blog, to the whole of NPCC, to MsLimChin, To the Speech day Emcees, to flag contigent and also to the prize winners. And that word is....sorry =D. Sry for not updating my blog coz i'm soo busy wif speech day, sry for making a huge cock up while holding the NP flag, sry for making soo many errors in my script ms lim chin, sry emcees i was late, sry flag con that i cock up(u all also =D) and sry for reading some names in wrong order.

You might think that this post would be one sad sad one, but i have to look up in a positive way of life and move ahead. So instead, it would be.....FUNNY!!!!!! >___


Number 1: Band Played wrong song for one of the comands and forgot to play intro for guest of honour.

Number2: Parade comander give wrong comand (rmb Mr Neign yelling SAMULA! in the rehearsel? same mistake =D)

Number3: the Ncc guys in flag con followed the mistake and put their flag then, then OMG WE MADE A MISTAKE, and put it back up.

Number4: While march off, the flag blow agianst my face, and i march 3m off my original route XD (OMG SRY SRY SRY)

Number 5 (theres one more before this but i save that for the best =D): I read some names wrongly and Mdm Inderjit SRY! I READ WRONG ORDER!! X_X

Number6:Forgot to on microphone when speaking.

Number7: Brought my school shoe to toilet along while changing for no reason, wasting energy.


Winner cock up: Ok i started when i finished marching, i ran all the way to the toilet and changed like a mad guy, only to hear the school song started. See, the show starts wif the song, and the intro of the 3 emcees going..."Hi, i'm Kesavan, I'm Atikah, and i'm Brian...ect" I RAN LIKE A MAD DOG UP THE BACK STAIRS, the one that leads from the canteen to the hall back stage door. When i stepped on the 2nd floor, i hear, "I'm Kesavan" And i paniced. Thinking that i still could make it i dashed towards the back door like a flash of lightning! And yanked open the door with all my might all ready to enter the big show!!!.................guess what happened? ........................................................................................................................................................................
..................................................I entered the store room, not the stage. -__-" . I FROZE! coz directly after my line, i was supposed to thank some VIP, BUT I"M NOT ON STAGE YET! I dreaded for the worst and the first good thing happened. KESAVAN THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR READING MY FIRST LINE T_T I OWE U BIIIIIG TIME!! BOO HOOO.

Ok well after that it went smooth with nice performances, one of which that was weird was the chinese dance, see they were holding lamps which i taught was real fire, even a girl standing all the way back to the curtains, i was like. HEY IT WILL CATCH FIRE, but nth happened. lol so the show continued till one of the performers dropped her lamp. It shattered up and the answer to my question was solved when i saw BATTERIES flying out of the lamp. IT AIN'T FIRE AFTER ALL! Then came the camera man Mr Naz, he ask me...Is this?? Chinese dace??? ( they were doing some arabic dace) and as a chinese i din even know how to cover up for them XD. Next the funniest thing happened. Anarnti, you are gonna love this part. NAZ STARTED DANCING LIKE SOME PRETTY ARABIC JEPCY GIRL WITH HIS SHAKY HEAD HERE AND THERE!! WAHAHA lol back stage too, you shoulda see him man, like some act cute boy boy. lol just imagine a DANCING MR NAZRI. lol dude i din bring a vid but i still can get you one way or another haha i know you are reading this =D
With the performance over, i proceeded to the canteen with the other emcee dudes and ate, COLD MEE GOREANG! (below room temp) haix haix, things were looking pretty down for me till ram and ger came in with their cams, and yay ger lend me his, THANKS PAL, then i just spend the rest of the time taking photos. (Ya chers all wanna be in the pics hahaha soooooo jelous eh =P) I also got a BIG BIG HUG from Mr Bithday Boy Boy, MR TAN HENG KWEE himself! Thanks ah tan, sob sob sob, best chem cher eva! 2006-4n4 will never forget the most "Sexiest" guy cher in s'pore

So thanks sooooooooooo much everyone and of coz, SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FOR ALLL THE COCK UPS ( i will be pumping myself to take responsibility for my actions) and oh ya sry nick for forgetting to return yr stomach ache oil tin can =P.

Till Next time and hopefuly a better time,
sry sry sry sry sry sry sry sry sry sry sry sry sry

- the shadow .
6:41 AM