Friday, April 20, 2007

Aw man, i'm going insane eversince my post, the "Test Week", coz everyweek there are tests now. Not to mention compititions and self studies are pushing my body and brain to it's breaking point. I really apologise for not bloging for over 2 weeks (Which leave alooot of people asking me why) But just to let everyone know, i just got my exam time-table and it's VERY close by, very sry to all my readers but this will probably be the last post before the Mid-years. Dun worry, i will continue as soon as the zams are over. And it's gonna be a loong road of stress and turmoil. Gez, anyway, back to the blogging.......

This week, was not much diff from last and the week before, lotsa test and ect, even the orals where this week. But thanks to CLC that ended last year, No Chinese Oral for me forever!! =D But yes there was eng oral. If you readers remembered, or if i post last time, my score for last year was 33/40 with 10/12(reading) 10/12(pic and 13/16(conver) that was my highiest yet and that marks alone was not even touchable to the marks that my class got this year....or is it? Knowing that the challange of oral between studs and me was long over, i decided to post myself a new challange, and that was to challange myself! Not just that, but for the very last oral that i'm gonna take in the school by our own teachers, i wanted to make a stand of possible the highiest is yhss history. XD And when i got back my marks, i was totally overjoyed by the sight. 11/12 for reading, 9/12 for pic(dropped-.-) and the one that really pulled it up was my conver with 15/16! I guess you can all call me a loud mouth XD. That shattered the previous record by 2 marks making it a total of 35/40 yaaaaaaaayz! But too bad for me i did not flair very well this time in my written T_T just past. For some reason i'm not able to perform that well this time, but fear not, mye is near XD.

ANYWAY, Param, Roger, Cheryl and I went down to the city yesterday night to get some night photography, it was great, well except the fact that they were taking forever at one spot and there was something seriously wrong with Cheryl's tripod, it just kept falling apart. Lucky not yhss's XD if not die die, lol. The 3 others had nice powerful cool cameras, and i choose the weak H1, i was thinking let Ryl have a taste of big cams, but maybe i was wrong, coz mine was really...a hassel, soo problematic to keep changing functions. zzz not to mention theres some weird red UV-ray thing in alot of my night shots when i uploaded them. Roger almost distroyed his over $1000 camera, haha with green tea yeah, at mac, where he spilt it. And param? Yeah yeah vista vista vista as usual, i'm getting annoyed with his vista crap, DUDE IT'S JUST AN OS, NO NEEDA BE A FAN OF AN OS GEZ. Wadabout Ryl? Well she grown a HUUUGE "tumour" on her right head..."HAH!"(You guys shuld know what hah means) Anyway, we returned at about 11pm at night. I was like deeeeeead but still manageed to log into msn to check out of some stuff. "HAH" it's even a mirical i can blog now. Anyway, i really godda go, the Mid-years are closing i fast, and i wish all of you readers the best best best of luck, coz you will really need it. I'm also in big big big trouble coz i really needa find time to study and do art and do photography all at the same time. sheesh~ Anyway, I hope you guys are patient with me coz the next post will probably be after the Mid-years,

Untill Next time,
P.S. I might change the vid when i'm done with my latest amv.

- the shadow .
5:18 PM

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ok everyone knows common tests are common, well but not as much as this week, it's TEST WEEK! Starting with Geography on monday, Math on tues, Eng today, Chemistry tmr and even if it's TGIF, theres still SS test next week. SHEESH, well anyway today's test was interesting, for physics, i can safely conclude that 90% of the class is screwed, well thats coz Mr 001 dropped us the most unexpected questions for the test, and for english, it's WAAAAAAAR!!! Yep yep, few hot shots in english for my class is Me, Fazri, Jia Min, Andy...followed up closely by Govind and Eugene. Currently, it's been Me VS Jia.M for top position. I godda say his big trouble for me, top for a few years in the lv, GEZZ i only managed to cream him once, and always a few points lower, well since my first win was this year (when his in my class) looks like i might be able to scoop up a few more wins. But you may never know one of those people in the background my come outta nowhere and drop a nasty bomb on your head. One example was 2 years back, when Alfred, which was completely not within the top few made a remarkable lead, i clear 5 points infront of me, i was dumbfounded and whats worst was he done it not once but TWICE! After that it was all smooth flowing, but ever since i entered this class, things has been pretty rough for my eng royal rumble, i mean there weren't much strong guys last year, so this year would be, in a Anyway, Mrs Foo invigilated my class and gave us a little something normal teachers would avoid, She Went Around Offering Sweets!! How nice, grape flavour too!! THANKS CHER! I could've dosed off without the candy =D After the test, i went for IT to get info on some stuff and some *Other stuff* (you know, "heart transplant"?) AHEM!! Back to the subject, Naz and P.Eddy dropped in only to make more laughs, including Naz bragging bout his pro photos being on some never heard before magazine, then to a weird topic of sabo-ing each other. (Naz was eerm..cocky =D) Then a fantastic idea struck my mind for sabo-ing... HEH HEH HEH! Naz, U SCREWED! weeeeeeee. Next, Naz showed us a suuuper silly video or rather a sound clip on some pranksters asking for pork dishes to some muslim food seller, pretty mad. ANd soon after Jun Ming had his part to show, the funniest yet, NTU-Teachers Survey, which ain't normal, every studs are writing bout the teacher's bald head or mostage and worst of all his sex appeal, LOOOOOL.

Anywayz, i'm gonny be reeealy busy with art, which yes i think i;m gonna be screwed with, so untill next time,

- the shadow .
7:26 AM