Monday, July 30, 2007

The weekends have onced again passed and monday together with the rest of school week is back. Today unlike other days was really interesting, a load of stuff happened. Lets see, where should i start......

Many people in school 'died' today. I'm probably within one of the dead people. Well see the school conducted an IPP drill where we all had to seal up the class room with bags and well, make an improvised toilet and stay locked in for 1 hour.(the real thing is 5 hours) Since it was our first time, everyone was in a frantic panic taping everything up, the window i was in charge of was horrible, the plastic bags were'nt snipped nicely by the Cutting team i had to do many patches like a old ragged doll. And well some toilet fanatics did a fantastic job with the make shift toilet, too fantastic i'd say, till we had not enough bags to seal ther door, WE'R DOOMED!. Anyway, after total lock down, we had to stay in and bake for the next hour. We sweated like wild boars. It was simply heaven when he felt the fresh cool breeze outside when it was time to assemble at the carpark. MsLee, unlike her usual self cracked some silly jokes, thats a first. We then found out that 5n1 "died" in the drill. See there was a sick stud and 3 guys had to acompany him down, meaning 4 dead guys outside and a door wide open, leaving the rest in the classroom....poisoned. XD

Later during recess, i supported the ice cream team by buying a cub of their low grade ice cream, i even payed an extra dollar free for charity, YES IT'S LOW GRADE, the ice cream made my tummy bloat and now i'm a wind balloon.

The day resumed pretty much the way it normally is till after our ss, Naz wanted to do the collarge thingie for the class mag so we got to enter the new IFCC studio, WONDERFUL, that place is a dream com true for any amerture video freak like me, HD semi-pro video cams, green screens, pro mics, AWESOME! and theres still more to come in a few days, even an imac! I wonder if i can borrow those stuff some time soon XD.

Anyway i changed my skin, hope you like it.
Till next time,

- the shadow .
5:02 AM

Sunday, July 29, 2007

This might surprise some of you but i've just turned 17 yesterday. I managed to operate undercover unlike last year, so no bashes, no frantic running for my life and best of all, no flour fights =D. This year's the record holding year for least people wishing/and noticing it was my birthday. Heres the list of peeps who remembered.(in order)

1.Leynn, my vivacious bc buddy that likes saying "You cheat!" and "Not fair!"
Time at being wished: 2300hours 27thJuly, yep, it was not even the day itself it.

2.Marmy, just a lingo i created to call mom, her cooking is fantastic and i'm currently picking up her secret tactics =D.
Time at being wished: 0900hours 28thJuly, she also pulled my face soo hard it almost tore off my head XD.

3.Param, good buddy of mine ever since he entered the school, wiz kid in everything, his a living computer XD.
Time at being wished: 1320hours 28thJuly, had a great lunch with him.

4.Dad and Nat, My daddy and older sis, first was my dad, then as usual my sis came running out of her room wishing me, she oftern have to be reminded some sort. XD
Time at being wished: 1445hours 28thJuly, after i came home from bc and lunch.

5.Kayro, my naughty classmate that self-proclaim as my god-sister, lame lar. Older than me, and smaller then me, she's skin and bones, but beware she's evil, EVIL.
Time at being wished: about 1700hours.

6.PeiZhen, i call her PIE. mostlikely informed by that big mouth kayro.
Time at being wished: Unknown, somewhere in the morning of 29th.

6 this year is a reeeeeal success, compaired to being chased around with flour and water buckets by the whole of NP last year XD. Anyway i thank all who've remembered my birthday, u guys rox.

Anyway, MrCohen at BC is reeeally head hunting me! Trust me he is EXACLY LIKE MrNAZRI just a british version. I was the first one called out to answer his questions agian! That makes every lesson in a row! Anyway, Leynn blowed up laughing when that happened she was the next one in line agian. HA HA!! Anyway, i then realised why on earth am i the prime target everytime. He poped by my table and gave us a little secret. HIS MIDDLE NAME IS ALSO BRIAN. OH GREAT!!! So my name is not only EASY to remember, he is also USING the same name. Surprises kept flowing in like running water.

After bc, i made my way down to JE to meet Param, well he apparently wanted to print some of the photos he taken for the photography compitition for his DPA interveiw coming up tmr. GOOD LUCK CHAP! I waited at the station like some scarecrow, he even decided to take a bus! OI! Anyway i also bumbed into a bunch of yhss dudes at the station. We made our way down to the printshop at entertainment center and boooy did i felt like a godsent XD. See the aunties there can't speak a word of english, i had to use my pathetic chinese and translate to ram. Just like any singaporean, he printed slightly more to get discount XD. We ate at kobayashi and the noodles were FANTASTIC, i still don't really get why they call it pizza -.-"

Anyway, my fam and i went to watch Transformers last night, me and my dad did not really enjoyed it, my sis and mom loved it though. The jokes are good, the animation is mind blowing, but there's just way too many explosions it's too noisy. Sry to all transformers fans, but i will have to rate it 3 stars. Should have watched the simpsons. The funny thing was my dad has already forgotten half the show the moment we exited the cenima XD.

We reached home 5 mins to midnight and a spend the last few mins of my birthday checking for any DPA mails, too bad i did not get any T____T.

Well, finaly 17 eh. What have i got to say?
I would like to thank my dad, my mom, my sis, my dog, my cat, my mouse, my cheese, my...........ect lolz this is not the grammys.

So till next time,

- the shadow .
12:22 AM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

God knows how many many many times have people kept bugging me for the videos, cadets, ncos, s.ncos, nco-menthors. SHEESH GIVE ME A BREAK ALREADY! To save time burning all of them, i've dumped them on youtube, good thing the video's a right below, this will save you loads of time from finding them.

To all Cadets, Ncos and 07 pop batch SNcos, if you want a copy of these 2 videos, you will have to supply me with a blank cd, this is because just too many people is asking for a copy, it will seriously burn a hole in my pocket. Only SNCOs from MY BATCH will be getting free copies, however, to those SNcos, i'm sorry but you will have to wait a while, i'm currently out of CDs, However, I will really appreciate if someone can suply me with free Cds ^__^

Anyway, heres the 2 videos:

1.This year's O6 POP TRIBUTE. It's a tribute video to the S.Ncos of my batch that passed out last year, It's a pity some of them missed the show this year, never the less, i'm prevewing it here.

2. The original 2006 pop video, yes i know i've removed it a few months ago, see there was some talk about the cops going around arresting studs that uploaded their school stuff on youtube, BUT since these video's are tributes, i've gotten the green lights from Naz

Although i am conducting burning service, i strongly urge you just stick to watching it on youtube, coz it's very time consuming and well, it's gonna be on youtube forever anyway, lolz. Enjoy~


Till next time,

- the shadow .
4:13 AM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

As most of you have probably known by now, the Olympics game's comi'n soon to china(i think) With all the corruption of food, me and my team of specialized athletes are having seconds thaughts about participating this year. NEVER THE LESS I will represent this country and bring back "gold cookies" back from china! Even if it's made of Jipson Board. XD ....................You probably must be going wthwthwthwthwthwtwhwthwtwhwth by now. =D

Hah juz kiddin, it's just i had a really fun time in PE today. Despite the usual naggings from cher, we'r back to playing our own games as usual. And of course for me it's non other then badminton. ........Golf is too classy for me, while soccer is too...non-classy. Without permission of any sorts, we crept up to the hall, it was dark....spooky and dark... the walls were closing in on us, the air was still, the moon was bright...and more importantly, i am lame.

Anyway, i arrived to find the hall well...already in use by some n1's, lucky for us, there was still some space. First few matchs were great, i was back to my old drunk wacking tactics.....OK I KNOW IT'S UMBER WEIRD, BUT IT TAKES A WHOLE LOT OF JUICE OUTTA ME!......Can't really remember how many sheltercocks flew over the 2nd story ledge. Soon enough we ran out of sheltercocks and we had to improvise wats around.....hmm 4 players each team, 8 players in total, 1 sheltercock, and a good load of chairs in the hall. 4 vs 4?? nah, it would be an utter mess, so we took the chairs and had a seat instead, did i mention....WHILE PLAYING, yes, a new sport was born, INDRODUCING the first ever Chariminton!! Meet it's maker!! lol jk. The game was rather simple, position the 4 players on your side of the court, and play badminton while sitting down entirely. Player that gets out of the chair loses the round, however, moving is still alowed, but you wil have to hold your chair to your butt and move like an idiot. The game was surprisingly great! it holds the same enjoyment value of normal badminton, only, you sweat less. Hows that for a wacky idea? =D

Anyway, i might start posting special posts soon, it will be about food stuff that i would want to share with you guys, more like a review. No fix days for posting this, i will post a food review everytime i encounter somthing good. The first one is already in the planning process, look forward to it!

P.S. Music changed, i cannot understand what on earth is Naz trying to sing. XD

Untill next time,

- the shadow .
3:08 AM

Monday, July 23, 2007

Alright, this can really go on and on for god knows how long. Very sorry to say, but the vlog project was a HUUUUUGE set back. A big load of chunk of stuff happened since my last post. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Anyway, thees good news, due to some peeps in school pestering my to blog as usual, and a new friend i made at BC, new life would be bestowed apon this lifeless blog......too chim? lol. Hoever, don't expect me to blog that much. I might limit my posts to once a week to once a month. Anyway lets skip through all this blog talk...........bzzzzzt(fast forward)

Alright. Vlog project down was all due to 2 closes friends "breaking up" no, it's not relationship, they just did not want to be best friends no longer. I had to sit in a counseling session as eye wittness to that event. It was strang, really strange, like war of the words or something. Sal had me to shuddup during the whole session for them to go full trotle. Sadly, this 2 guys are in my vlog team and are now giving each other that "cold turkey" treatment that i had no choice but to pull out too. Anyway, i kinda feel good to be the middle man, i'm still in contact with both of them and am still good friends, it's just that i can see both of them at the same time, it's a weird sensation.

Next, we have POP, no not pop songs, no not ice cream pop, It's Passing Out Parade, aka POP. Late Gratz to the sec 3 (((NCOs)))NCO se!! CHEWAA!! XDXD Since i'm sec5, it's my second time passing out, and i would like to thank my mom, dad, sis, cat, dog, mouse, is this some sort of grammys? Anyway, i got to see some old "kambengs". KAMBENGS I MISS YOU MAN!! COME BACK MORE OFTERN! Anyway, i made a kambeng tribute for them and well, i'm really sorry it's not up on youtube yet, the file is just waaaaaaaay to GINORMOUS to be uploaded, i'm still searching for a video compresser. But all i can say about POP is......i don't know, it's not right, there are just too many internal conflicts in NP eversince the sec 3s took over i'm finding myself more busy then before passing out, running around counselling the young ones. NCO XXX has a problem with NCO YYY, NCO ZZZ has a problem with NCO XXX. Hey hey, not only the NCOz, but the cadets too, the sec 1s are seriously driving me potatos! Soo much Boy/Girl Conflict. ARGH WORK TOGETHER AND QUIT WHINNING ALREADY!!! Anyway, on the lighter note, I'm very proud of my sec 2s, thats right, MY SEC 2s, their MINE!! I BROUGHT THEM UP FROM THE START LIKE MY OWN CHILD. XDXD.......Anyway, i'm just about done with np already, THK wants me to take CI course wif Papa Joe but i'm afraid it might be to much for me to cope with. Besides, i dun wanna see you rotten sec 1s still fighting like Primary school kids.........sec 2s, i'm very sorry T_T...FEAR NOT, i have faith in you guys when your turn comes next year. And trust me i WILL come back and guide you to be a good NCO.

Anyway, BC lessons this term is prbably gonna be a blast, all thanks to new chap in the house MrCohen, it's my first time having a male teacher at BC, MrsAnne has left for london, too bad she was ill during the last BC lesson last term. Anyway, i arrived on the first lesson to find some oldies missing, and my class being overruned by newbies. Some really tall, and yea, some really short. I would also like to congratz our record holder late comer "Sarah" or however you spell that, for being faster then me this term.....or maybe i'm just lagging behind. Anyway, as i was saying, i returned to find BC overruned by newbies, about 5 or 6 new kids in the block i think. And guess what, i made good friends with every one in an instant!...nah just pulling yer leg, I only got to know Leynn, i'm still clueless bout the rest. MrCohen's really giving me the cold shoulder lately, i'm finding myself his prime target most of the time........WHY IS IT I HAVE SUCH AN EASY NAME!?!?!? Brian is easy, Louis is ALSO easy, i have nowhere to hide.......oh wait i forgot his bad at remembering chinese names, BWAHA, but at the same time i hate using my chinese name, BOOHOO, HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!! I'M DONE FOR!!!!!

Anyway, i really need motivation to blog, i mean.....i don't even know what is it good for. -.-" OH, BTW, MrNAZ...or shell i say...Mysternaz HAS A NEW SONG! Ok this is by far the creepiest thing of all that has happened lately, i mean, his sooo shy to sing for us, AND NOW HIS POSTING HIS SONGS ON IMEEM!? Gambatte naz sensei! It would probably scare your gutts inside out. Too bad i can't comprehend what on earth is he trying to sing. XD
Title: Leaving Me Behind
Artist: MrNazri! AKA Mysternaz

I'm embedding it in my blog for you guys to hear, GO FLAME HIM LIKE CRAZY!!

Till next time

- the shadow .
4:19 AM